Tape Recording DSM Field Rides
A few months ago I picked up a voice activated MP3 recorder at Staples (Sony ICD-U70 Digital Voice Recorder & MP3 Player)for $130. Since then I've been recording my field rides. It fits in my jacket pocket and lasts all day. Sometimes there's a problem with road noise or background sounds but for the most part the conversations are crystal clear.
I've caught my manager on tape directing me to sell off-label several times. I'm tired of it & I know that I'll take the heat if I get caught, not him/her. The problem is that I can't use the tape to nail him/her and stay anonymous at the same time.
My idea is to start recording teleconferences and meetings. That way if I release the recording I can't be identified. I know of two websites that publish whistleblower evidence:
What else can you do if your manager is crooked?
Make sure the battery is fully charged if you're going to record all day. That's the only limiting factor to using these things.
If you want to publish it on a site where it will really be heard (think national media attention), then put it on Consumerist
They get about 6,000,000 pageviews per month.
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