Then there's the red Ferrari. Knitted by an art student. The knitting was hanged on a frame, created by this knitting student. Price? Priceless.

Peter Rost, M.D., is a former Pfizer Marketing Vice President providing services as a medical device and drug expert witness and pharmaceutical marketing expert. Judge Sanders: "The court agrees with defendants' view that Dr. Rost is a very adept and seasoned expert witness." He is also the author of Emergency Surgery, The Whistleblower and Killer Drug. You can reach him on rostpeter (insert symbol) hotmail.com. Follow on https://twitter.com/peterrost
You quite like the "Say No To Crack" blog, don't you? Why not mention them?
Yes, http://www.saynotocrack.com/ is a great blog!
I'm not sure if that's where the Ferrari came from . . . it has appeared on a few different blogs.
But wow, do you have some great pics!
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