Friday, September 29, 2006

What does the sales ranking on Amazon mean?

Here's a section from "What Amazon Sales Ranks Mean."

Nobody outside of Amazon knows EXACTLY how many copies of a given title are sold in a given time period, and since ranks are relative to each other, it's a constantly moving target. . . Read an average rank of 1,000 to mean you have a seriously successful title, an average rank of 10,000 to mean your doing pretty good for a book that's no bestseller, an average rank of 100,000 to mean it's not going to contribute significantly to your income, and an average rank of 1,000,000 to mean you only need to check a couple times a year to computer the average rank.

To check most recent sales ranking for "The Whisleblower," go here.


Anonymous said...

How did Hank's book do?

Peter Rost said...

It was around 60,000-70,000 when I wrote my review last year, that sent it up to 7,000 for a couple of days . . .

Peter Rost said...

And . . . right now Hank's book "A call to action" is at #325,000, this can be compared to Jamie Reidy's book "Hard Sell," which was also launched a year ago, which is now at 47,000. I guess sales rep beats CEO . . .