Friday, February 29, 2008

Judge allows WikiLeaks back on the Internet: "The court does not want to be a part of any order that is not constitutional."

A federal judge on Friday allowed whistle-blower site WikiLeaks to resume operation in the United States, a week after ordering its hosting company and domain registrar to shut down and lock the renegade's site from the internet.

The judge conceded the futility of attempts to censor information, in this instance private banking information, after it has been posted to the internet.

"When this genie gets out of the bottle, it's out for all purposes," U.S. Disrict Judge Jeffrey White said after a more than 3-hour-long hearing here.

White signed an order last week that took down the WikiLeaks site and also locked "the domain name to prevent transfer of the domain name to a different domain registrar."

WikiLeaks, a whistle-blower site publishing thousands of leaked documents, was taken offline in the United States after posting allegedly stolen documents: individuals' banking records that suggest a Cayman Islands branch of a Swiss bank was helping customers practice money laundering and tax evasion across the globe.

Dynadot -- WikiLeaks' U.S. hosting company and domain registrar based in San Mateo, California -- agreed to take down and lock the site at the behest of Julius Baer Bank and Trust. Judge White signed off on the deal last week.

The site should resume U.S. operations perhaps as early as today, according to Dynadot's attorney, Garret Murai. Its overseas servers were not affected by the litigation.

The judge heard arguments from the Bank, who said no First Amendment rights were being implicated, and from a host of media organizations who derided the judge's intitial order as an unconstitutional "prior restraint" on speech.

The judge seemed to agree with the media. About 30 minutes into the hearing, he said, the case concerned "very important issues" and that "the court does not want to be a part of any order that is not constitutional."

Dr. Rost is a pharma litigation consultant and pharmaceutical marketing expert.

BrandweekNRX silent, again.

After having been started in April 2007, BrandweekNRX was taken off the air in December, and brought back for the months of January and February this year.

Unfortunately, money is tight over at Brandweek, and advertising on Internet sites such a BrandweekNRX is hard to come by . . . so, for now, BrandweekNRX is closing down again.

Meanwhile, you will find my occasional musings over here at Question Authority.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Religious passion. Which ones are fake?

Different races, ages and settings. Which ones are fake? For answer see comment section.

I find these videos fascinating.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Religion in the U.S.: Fastest growing group is not affiliated with any church.

And that would mean, according to many Christians, that after a 2,000 year wait, the end of time is coming soon.

In fact, in 2006, twenty-five percent of Americans believed it was at least somewhat likely that Jesus Christ would return to Earth in 2007, according to a poll from the Associated Press.

The poll, conducted by the international polling firm Ipsos, looked at the public's predictions about what would occur in 2007.

A whopping 46 percent of white evangelical Christians believed it at least somewhat likely that Jesus would return in 2007, while 17 percent of Catholics and 10 percent of those with no religion feel the same way.

The poll, conducted Dec. 12-14, was based on telephone interviews with 1,000 adults from all states except Hawaii and Alaska.

At the same time, more and more U.S. adults either have none or do not identify with a particular church, although the country remains highly religious, another survey said on Monday.

The report from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found a constantly shifting landscape of religious loyalties, with the Roman Catholic Church losing more adherents than any other single U.S. religious group.

One in 10 Americans now describes himself as a former Catholic, it found, although that church's membership is constantly being replenished by immigrants, particularly Latinos.

Despite predictions that the United States would follow Europe's path toward secularization, the U.S. population "remains highly religious in its beliefs and practices," the survey concluded.

But John Green, a senior researcher with the Pew Forum, told reporters American religion appears headed for more diversity, with the likelihood the country will be "less Protestant and less Christian" in the future than it is now.

The survey, based on interviews with more than 36,000 U.S. adults, found 78.4 percent of the population identify themselves as Christian. Of U.S. adults in general, it said 51.3 percent were Protestant, 23.9 percent Catholic, 1.7 percent Mormon, 0.7 percent Jehovah's Witness and less than 0.3 percent each Greek or Russian Orthodox.


Friday, February 22, 2008

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Don't miss this movie . . .

It will take you from religion to 9/11 . . . in a most disturbing way. And feel free to skip first five minutes, then it really starts to rock.

Buy an amazing tagline - Where Good Health is a Click Away.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

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Boka Peter Rost genom Talarforum

Peter Rost är den uppmärksammade författaren till storsäljaren Sjuka Pengar, som handlade om den internationella läkemdelsindustrin. Han är just nu aktuell med sin första thriller, Vargflocken, vilken beskriver CIAs samarbete med ett läkemedelsbolag. Innan Dr. Rost blev talare och skribent för svenska och internationalla tidningar arbetade han som vice president för världens största läkemedelsbolag, Pfizer, i New York. Före det jobbet var han Nordenchef och VD för Wyeth i Sverige. Under den tiden konkurrerade han med Astra-Zeneca och tog nästa hälften av Astras marknad för Losec. Men det som Peter Rost har blivit känd för är inte affärsframgångar, utan hans avslöjanden om oegentligheter inom olika läkemedelsbolag som lett till allt från böter på över 200 miljoner kronor för Pfizer, till avskedanden av höga chefer hos Astra-Zeneca i USA. Fortune beskrev Dr. Rost i en artikel som "the drug industry´s most annoying - and effective - online scourge" och hans nya karriär som "a professional pain in the ass."

Dr. Rost är den perfekte talaren för dig som vill ha någon som inte bara motiverar, utan även skakar om sin publik och som kan ge ett personligt perspektiv på etik och moralfrågor inom näringslivet och offentliga institutioner. Få personer har som Peter Rost satt sin egen karriär på spel och hans kunskap och erfarenheter har lett till talarinbjudningar till allt från investmentbolag, hedgefonder och den amerikanska senaten, såväl som till den svenska riksdagen, näringslivet, landsting och kommuner. Dr. Rost kan ge din publik en god bas för diskussion om vad ledarskap egentligen innebär och vad som bör ta vid där siffrorna tar slut.

Länk till Talarforum

Schering-Plough CEO refuses to state his innocence.

Schering-Plough CEO refuses to state his innocence - three times!
Valentine's Secrets
"Why blogs matter" by Corporate Spin Firm
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