Diana Chiafair
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Age: 21
"Appearing in FHM has definitely helped me in my work as a rep for a pharmaceuticals company. Usually you have to push your way into doctors' offices to see them; now it's like, 'Oh, the FHM girl is here.' And I go right on in. All the doctors and nurses out there read FHM. They've all seen me in lingerie—and I bet they think about what I'm wearing under my uniform when I visit them."
To check if you too have what it takes to become a drug rep, go to www.pfizer.com.
How very reptilian. Isn't it ironic that Doctors with high IQs and degrees are only too happy to be manipulated by these lovely less educated ladies?
Doctor, you strike me as the sort who would be sad to see these ladies go.
Without sex appeal in the sales force the drug business would have to focus on science and doctors would stop seeing sales reps since they already know the science.
This would mean sales of brand name drugs would plummet, and since drug stocks are a big part of the S&P 500, a recession would hit the U.S.
When the recession hits, Americas retirees would lose their pension savings, and the country would implode.
So let's take sexy drug reps seriously--we all depend on them, for the sake of the country.
She's only 21! I'm guessing there are no degree requirements to be a drug rep.
If Doctors really knew and understood the science, We'd have a better over-all health and treatment of people in general. Diabetes, lipids, and B.P are still under treated by the majority of physicians.
1. I’m proud of the fact that I have no idea what FHM is.
2. This is another reason why I don’t go to doctors. I don’t want to be prescribed a certain medicine because my doctor has a hard on.
3. I’m impressed with the professionalism of this particular photo shoot...complete with light switches on the wall behind her and cabinet handles on the wall to the right. (If you have a penis you’ll have to go back and watch it again to notice these things)
4. I vote she bungee jumps wearing an anchor.
5. And just what were you looking for when you came across this little gem, Mr. Rost, hmmmm? :>
6. If I sound grumpy, I apologize. I’ve had the flu for almost two weeks now and CAN’T GO TO THE DOCTOR! (See #2)
How can you not know what FHM is Moogirl? All the doctors and nurses out there read FHM. Sheesh. It's obviously some kind of a medical journal.
Ohhhh of course, how silly of me. I bet it's just like JAMA!
Must be the fever...
Doctors know science? Since when and what branch of science do they "know"? The majority of physicians I know are egotistical sots who couldn't find their butt with both hands unless they had a "guideline" from their respective colleges. Doctors are equally complicit in screwing up the healthcare delivery system as are the Pharma companies you rail against, Peter.
SOME doctors are part of the problem, but to claim that they don't know science, which IS their job, and which they spent years studying and training, is a bit ridiculous.
You think a cardivascular surgeon who repairs your heart is just a plumber?
Or that the neurologist who finds your brain tumor don't know anything about science?
Come on!
Have y'all been having fun without me? I hate yous for that.
So I'm with my new partner doing a training session for a sales force and he remarks that the "other" girl that quit was/is a real "baby doll". The main attraction at trade shows, although once she lured them in she didn't have the knowledge base to close the sale.
You know where she went: Pharma sales (Glaxo SK).
I have also typed this before: I wouldn't trust a doctor to recommend medication without verifying online and with a Pharmacist.
And MooGirl, get well soon.
I thought the whole point was that Big Pharma was using these type of sales reps to distract doctors away from the science, so that they wouldn't ask embarassing questions about side effects and drug interactions.
I wouldn't expect doctors to know everything about every new drug that comes out and all its ramifications. But I would expect them to not be blinded by a pretty face and ask relevant questions about them before they buy anything since they should know enough science to be aware of what kind of damage they can cause.
So as you say about market forces, it's mostly on the doctors side not to fall for those type of deceptive sales tactics and demand more infrmation about the drugs they buy and not to let Big Pharma get away with avoiding the uncomfortable facts about the drugs they produce.
That will force Big Pharma to train their sales reps with more of the facts if the doctors demand them. Their is nothing wrong with using models to sell things, but that doesn't mean that the pretty face is all that you should focus on and neglect the other factors of the product.
Argon, you make a good point, but, you can't depend on people or doctors, simply doing the right thing.
The book "Hard Sell" by Jamie Reidy is brutally honest about what really sells drugs.
What sells, according to "Hard Sell," is sex.
A couple of the most memorable lines in the book are "I witnessed men undergo complete personality makeovers in the presence of female salespeople," and "The women had the most basic human response on their side; regardless how behind schedule or how crazy the day, a male doctor would snap to attention at a mere whiff of perfume or a glance at a pretty girl, his instinctive desire to reproduce having kicked into gear."
Thanks Gary :>
And I don't want my doctors thinking about reproducing while writing my prescription.
And another thought. If doctors can be so swayed by a whiff of perfume or a pretty girl, then what keeps them from looking at a patient, while examining them, NOT AS A PATIENT but as T&A?
eeewww! Makes me just want to take a shower!
Ok that's it. Only female doctors from here on out!
If Doctors know the science and are perfect on the mechanics, the why do physicians get sued for malpractice and have created such big business for lawyers? The mere fact of physician over use of broad spectrum antibiotics provides clear insight into how well they understand and use the science. I wouldn't argue that a Specialist from your example shouldn't be a little smarter and more competent, than a PCP.
That's what my wife did after having heard the stories as I went though med school.
What is more fun for a mechanic: To service an old clunker or a Ferrari?
Well case in point as to why I changed my profile image isn't it, eh?
Yes a mechanic likes to work on classic better and even doctors admire a good chasis *wink* But that shouldn't distract them from more pressing priorities and other concerns.
When I was a photographer doing portfolios for modeling schools, even though I apreciated the beauty of some of the gals, I didn't let that distract me from getting the right camera angles, composition, lighting, contrasting shadows, depth of field and shutter speed and exposures.
When I was doing the job, I was acting in a professional manner, whatever happened after I was finished was a personal thing *wicked grin*
As they say "Guys only have enough blood to run one at once, so don't let the little head do the thinking for the big head" You would think that would be part of their training as doctors. Don't they get classes in "professional detachment" as part of their "beside manner?"
Maybe they need to tighten up the standards in medical schools if they're letting that slide
Oh well that’s just great. You mean doctors are just MEN in white coats??? Fantastic.
I’ve never understood women who go to a male OBGYN, simply because I thought this was tantamount to taking your Ferrari (or old clunker) to an Amish mechanic. But I never gave much thought to a male general practitioner. If I went to doctors I’d be appalled. Actually, I’m appalled anyway.
Now, for my own amusement, exactly what kind of car comes between a Ferrari and an old clunker? Just curious as to what’s in my garage.
BMW Z4 Roadster?
Had to Google it, that'll work!
I don't know, she looks like >Chevrolet Corvette Stingray to me though *wink*
If you're going to treat the doctors more Pavlovian, then you got to give them more incentive to do the right thing, either with negative reinforcement (fines and legal penalties) or an added positive reinforcement to go along with the pretty faces to pay more attention to what the reps are selling.
You're too kind Argon, but I think my Little Red Corvette days are behind me!
Sorry guys I had to disable video, since I couldn't make it not play by itself. For those of you missing it just click on the link in the post. We are all interested in what a sales rep has to say. Right?
Trust me Doc, that woman hasn't played by herself for a long! :>
...time! (lol)
Notice the correlation of pretty woman picture for a post and the number of replies?
Frankly, my vote goes to Michelle Ryann.
But, I think they all have great futures as strippers and swimsuit models.
Btw, I didn't realize that Pharma reps wore uniforms. Did they do away with suits?
I think I have to start using more pretty women. And men. The response to this post is fenomenal. LOL.
If you're going to go that far with pretty pixels, then maybe get into more 3D avatars like IMVU does then eh?
I couldn't find anything about a uniform but I'm not sure a thong could be considered a uniform *wicked grin* and cheerleader uniform could hardly be appropriate for sales right?
Who wouldn't want to see her every day?
She is GORGEOUS. An easy 10.
I'd love to see her come by the office in lingerie and heels :)
I am a www.nofreelunch.org 'er.
Doctors and Pharma companies are not on the same side. I say ban drug reps altogether.
If she does work for Pfizer I'll bet she sells sildenafil (aka viagra)
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