And most of it was PharmaGossip's fault, who wrote a post called Today's new word is "gebonkas".
I have to admit I'm almost jealous, because I probably only got a few percent of his readers, and I've never had that many visitors during early morning hours, so PharmaGossip must be doing really well!
Everyone wanted to know what "Gabonkas" means or perhaps they were curious about what the Covington lawyers were so curious about.
And of course, I even had the Covington lawyers here, middle of the night. I'm not kidding. I have to say, that is DEDICATION! Pfizer, you've hired people who literally work day and night. I mean, I've been impressed that those Covington lawyers keep coming here to this little blog every day, even Saturday and Sunday, but now they are coming at MIDNIGHT!
11:25:41 PM to be exact.
Come on guys, pleeease relax! This is just a fun blog, it isn't that serious, you don't have to come here to hear me repeat that Ron Green, the lead EBG lawyer, lied to a federal judge last time he waved my book "The Whistleblower" in front of the same judge, claiming I'd been blogging for two years.
Covington lawyers in the office at midnight, reading this blog?

I mean, with looks like THIS, shouldn't you guys be out in some preppy bar in Georgetown getting blasted and chasing young women, instead of reading this blog at midnight?
I'm just asking.
More, more, more, more!
You're just warming up, right?
In searching around the net for this term, I come up with:
Gabonkas (gah bŏngk ahs)
1. Insane, crazy-nuts
2. Driven to crazy acts
n., pl.
1. A large amount or number
Of note, Google only shows it appeared in a former blog that no longer exists, using definition #2. So I think we can say Peter is following in the good Bard's footsteps in bringing a new word into usage! may not be obvious...I made up those definitions based upon the context of usage. I did not find a definition of Gabonkas out there!!
You gave me heart palpitations!
Thank you for clarifying. Of course I have never intended for "Gabonkas" to mean crazy . . . since I have no idea what it means.
Sounds like a good definition to me since it does fit the context.
Unless it could mean the lawyers are getting gabonkas sitting around on their badonkadonks, but I like the 1st one better
Hi Peter,
"Happy to help" as they say at Wal-Mart!
Pip pip!
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