Suddenly she reverses position and claims writing about "personal grudges" would have been "no problem if the posts were interesting." Of course with all the other HuffPo bloggers writing personal stories and her readers beating her up in their responses, she could take no other position.
There is only one problem with the "new" explanation.
My blog postings were ranked #1 in readership or among top 5 on a weekly basis, and captured almost 10% of HuffPo's readership. That's out of about 700 blogs on Huffington Post . . .
Huffington Post is falling in a similar trap Pfizer fell in when they fired me. At Pfizer I had the #1 performance vs. sales forecast, so I generated my numbers in hard cold cash. At Huffington Post I generated the numbers in hard, cold readership numbers.
But none of that matters to any corrupt organization.
Arianna Huffington has put the proverbial foot in her mouth and proved that the Queen of Political Porn* is butt naked.
*Arianna's recent blog postings:
Anal Sex, Iraq, Brand Loyalty and Other Topics from the Cannes Advertising Festival
The Cocktail That Saved Karl Rove's Ass
The Times Blows It on Billary; Bill Blows Up Over Hillary
Yo methinks you a pretty cool dude with that hot ass pic and butt naked comment. I got yer back mayne you need anything just holla. This is the original cn. cynical nihilist
I have to agree with the first poster.
Huffingpost (yes you read that right) has just become another poorly run outfit less interested in the truth and more interested in getting MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!!
I used to rail on the CEO HO's and their supporters who are less interested in truth, justice or the American way and more interested in Worshiping At The Altar Of The Almighty Buck.
Arianna has become just another corporate whore.
Such a shame, the place COULD have been great and had complete integrity, the very thing she has lost is the very thing she accuses the Bush administration of having none of.
Too bad.
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