June 21, 2006
BLOGS: Peter Rost fired again?
After writing a post questioning the scoring of comments at his blog home the Huffington Post,

Isn’t this shooting the messenger? I’m a big Arianna fan, after all we both went to Girton College, Cambridge, and I gave money to and volunteered for her failed 2003 gubnetorial campaign—but what are they/she thinking in firing one of their featured bloggers who exposes that one of their own employees is up to no good. Even if it’s all a storm in a teapot, the rest of the blogging world (which regards HuffPo as a celebrity driven interloper) will have a field day.
Well I hope I have helped expose this. I have been all over the net from A to Z and writing to Al Franken, Keith Olbermann, Vanity Fair, and dozens of others who may have the ability to reach Arianna and tell her to wake the fuck up and stop being such a celebrity and start taking care of her website.
It is being over run and I mean OVER RUN by trollz. I have no doubt they are from either paid GOP sites or from NETVOCATE and with the help of those inside Arianna's site who working tirelessly to shut it down or turn it into a right wing site.
I say GOP because earlier this year, if anyone remembers one of the Senate Buildings was shut down, I think although I might be wrong, it was the Dirksen Building. WHILE it was shut down we didn't get a single post from Freeepers. NOT ONE.
BUT several hours later when the building re-opened they were back in full force.
One can only hope Arianna is finally starting to hear about this and comes back and does some housecleaning.
I've noticed more Freeper comments making BEST OF lists again and again and those who are liberal being taken down.
Dear Mr. Rost,
I was able to get in a post or two to your blog at Huffingtonpost.com (the one about the Rendon Group as I posted the Rolling Stone article link and the additional links about Bamford as well). Huffingtonpost.com has been banning me for making posts about Mearsheimer and Walt (and similar) like the following one:
Why aren't we discussing this Mearsheimer/Walt segment on the pro-Israel lobby which aired on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' this morning?:
The following includes the comments page at which I posted what was mentioned above:
Here is a tiny URL for the above one:
Huffingtonpost.com just banned me again within minutes for posting the following to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-love/the-freedom-to-blog-on-th_b_23712.html?p=2#comments as there is incredible censorship going on there:
The following was posted in the comments section of the various blog entries by Peter Rost via http://peterrost.blogspot.com
Dear Mr. Rost,
I was able to get in a post or two to your blog at Huffingtonpost.com (the one about the Rendon Group as I posted the Rolling Stone article link and the additional links about Bamford as well). Huffingtonpost.com has been banning me for making posts about Mearsheimer and Walt (and similar) like the following one:
Why aren't we discussing this Mearsheimer/Walt segment on the pro-Israel lobby which aired on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' this morning?:
The following includes the comments page at which I posted what was mentioned above:
Here is a tiny URL for the above one:
By: HPcensoringtruthhere on June 24, 2006 at 03:01pm
Just noticed that Huffingtonpost.com even removed the above post from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-love/the-freedom-to-blog-on-th_b_23712.html?p=2#comments after I was banned for making it just minutes ago.
Anonymous said...
They are censoring anything on Israel because, the Zionists know the jig is up thats obvious.
Israel and the Zionists can't hide or play the blame game now that they've ruined our country, via neocon intervention.
Those losers are all the same now, just like the trolls such as returnofdrevil2, Al Rogers, Nan Ellen of the Daily "KOS" propaganda press.
Very much agree with the above.. My HPCensoringBigTime Username was just banned at Huffingtonpost.com for posting on pages 1 and 2 of the comments at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2006/06/24/excia-aide-reveals-new-d_n_23738.html about the Zionist war for Israel agenda and the Mearsheimer/Walt paper on the pro-Israel lobby segment which aired on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' program this past Friday..
Abraham Foxman (of the ADL) was hammered hard by the caller (a lady with the Brit accent calling from London) on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' this morning as she mentioned the USS Liberty attack/cover-up (http://www.ussliberty.org) and Paul Findley's 'There Dare to Speak Out' book and Jim Bamford's 'A Pretext for War' book as well (both the Mearsheimer/Walt and Abraham Foxman segments can be viewed online via the links at the following URL):
Here is the tiny URL for the above one:
Additional at following URLs about how MSNBC's Keith Olbermann dissed the Mearsheimer/Walt paper:
MSNBC's Olbermann Disses Mearsheimer and Walt Critique:
I got banned again minutes after posting the following at Huffingtonpost.com via http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2006/06/25/dem-senator-now-it-tur_n_23773.html and other blog entries there (incredible censorship still going on as mentioned prior):
JINSA/PNAC Neocon Richard Perle: Why Did Bush Blink on Iran?:
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