Sunday, June 03, 2007

AztraZenca rep: "I'm not pouting."

Yeah, right.

Listen to new AstraZeneca oncology live training . . .

AstraZeneca makes sure reps don't talk about other drugs and things get a bit heated between the rep and the trainers.

Clearly this appears to be "new" to the sales force:

Rep Harvey: "Are we never ever going to answer another question about another drug, no matter how simple or whatever . . . are we just going to blow it off?"

Trainer: "That's correct."

Harvey is "not pouting" he says.

Please note the comment that "cross trial comparisons are completely inappropriate."

The tape gives the feeling that things are tense over at AstraZeneca and that the reps are mighty unhappy with the "new direction."

Click here to listen.


Anonymous said...

This is so freaking true I love it after a decade of enduring these types of meetings...makes me nuts listening...right on Peter and the source

Anonymous said...

Listening to that gives me horrible flashbacks of Pfizer's "Action Selling" bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Please Peter, the AstraZeneca representatives with Seroquel are not feeling your love. How about the those speakers for Seroquel that share its immense value for those troublesome elderly patients with dementia in the nursing homes or its efficiacy as an anxiolytic agent to replace addictive scheduled drugs. Wow, a well earned $1500 honorarium! The presentation gets those doctors writing Seroquel for everything.... a wonder drug.

Anonymous said...

If there is evidence out there about Seroquel doping up nursing patients, send it in to Dr. Rost.