One of the common themes among HuffPo loyals is that because I wrote a few posts about unusual readers reading my blog, I am somehow "paranoid."
Of course both the Huffington Troll in his replies that started all of this, and his friends responding to the recent posts, miss the entire point, which was that it IS interesting when unusual visitors, such as the CIA or the Department of Homeland Security or the Rendon Group take an interest in your blog, even though a blog can be read by anyone. I explained some of this in my recent entry Deception in the Blogosphere:
"Many bloggers have noted my comments about unusual readers of this blog and in particular my three recent posts:Now I'm REALLY freaking out! How a Public Relations Firm Helped Start the War Am I Crazy Paranoid . . . ? I'm not sure, however, how many readers realize that the expression "tongue-in-cheek" applies to much of what I write, even though the underlying facts may be very true."
But some readers also weren't happy with that explanation. One of them replied, "I will be honest with you; at various moments yesterday, I was truly afraid for your safety and wondered if you were safe." He continued, "Now that I know that, although the facts were real, you were having a joke on us, I feel duped by your tactics. To feign a paranoia for reasons of having your tongue in your cheek cheapens everything you write, substantive or otherwise. "
I responded, "You apparently assigned a higher probability to the possibility that I would disappear, in your mind, than I did in my mind. You may be right (there's a day tomorrow, too), but I hope, for my sake, that you're wrong. I believe it is inappropriate for you to be upset that I was less worried about my own fate than you were."
I try to present funny--and sometimes serious --facts, in an entertaining manner. If you haven't read my legal disclaimer yet, now may be a good time to do so! It is designed to make you smile.
Jonah is still editing comments right and left. He deletes the parts he doesn't want to go through and then adds his own reply into the comment!
Censureship is wrong because it is fundamentally dishonest. And the HuffPo folks have learned a few things from the ruthuglican congress - either that, or they remember how they ran their local playgrounds back when...
One of the biggest problem I see with the hostile readers of Dr. Rost's posts is this:
They can't understand that the title wasn't what the actual post is about!!!
Take the title "Now I'm REALLY freaking out!" for instance. Did it really say Dr. Rost is really "freaked out" by people from these places visiting his blog entries? If there was one, I must've missed it...
He merely stated it's interesting (and amusing) to see these people visiting his entries!
But most people see the title, read two sentences, and decided they've read the whole thing, that Dr. Rost is a nut (not the kind Greg Gutfeld mentioned though! that's another story!)
They should be used to how titles work in HuffPo... I mean take the "news" headlines for instances, how many times does the title not really a clear representation of what's written in it? Most of the time?
Jonah has proven himself to be a bumbling amateur over the last few days...His arbitrary censorship of comments on his own post; lack of proper procedures and conflict resolution over the Dr Rost situation also exemplifies this. Although not everyone agreed with the Dr's viewpoint, he was still just expressing his own viewpoint. An employee should not even meddle in this as it presents an ethical issue - contrary to Mr. MIT Jonah...haha.
Once upon a time i thought that Huffpo would grow to become a beacon of progressive discourse, but as of late they have become that which they claim to despise. And all of this, ultimately falls on the shoulders of Jonah...it's a shame that all his education does not shine through on the job. After twenty years of working on the tech side of the web, I have not seen a supposed professional conduct himself like such an amateur. Huffpo has become a joke in the web world...I hope it brings Arriana all the money she expects, because that is the only endgame that is going to be achieved here.
Ok, this is good...
JP is now allowing new comments to appear...
He's only showing those that's praising HuffPo or critical against the Doc....
Here's what I just wrote few minutes ago:
Bravo! Not only is JP making ALL critical comments not showing... he stole 12 hours worth of comments!
This is really something... And the fact that he's now only allowing the ones that's NOT so critical (or praising ones) is just... pathetic...
Let's see if it'll ever show up... or that JP's got a fragile ego that he simply can't take any criticism...
Huffingtonpost.com banned me again within minutes for posting the following to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-love/the-freedom-to-blog-on-th_b_23712.html?p=2#comments as there is incredible censorship going on there:
The following was posted in the comments section of the various blog entries by Peter Rost via http://peterrost.blogspot.com
Dear Mr. Rost,
I was able to get in a post or two to your blog at Huffingtonpost.com (the one about the Rendon Group as I posted the Rolling Stone article link and the additional links about Bamford as well). Huffingtonpost.com has been banning me for making posts about Mearsheimer and Walt (and similar) like the following one:
Why aren't we discussing this Mearsheimer/Walt segment on the pro-Israel lobby which aired on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' this morning?:
The following includes the comments page at which I posted what was mentioned above:
Here is a tiny URL for the above one:
By: HPcensoringtruthhere on June 24, 2006 at 03:01pm
Huffingtonpost.com banned me again within minutes for posting the following to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-love/the-freedom-to-blog-on-th_b_23712.html?p=2#comments as there is incredible censorship going on there:
The following was posted in the comments section of the various blog entries by Peter Rost via http://peterrost.blogspot.com
Dear Mr. Rost,
I was able to get in a post or two to your blog at Huffingtonpost.com (the one about the Rendon Group as I posted the Rolling Stone article link and the additional links about Bamford as well). Huffingtonpost.com has been banning me for making posts about Mearsheimer and Walt (and similar) like the following one:
Why aren't we discussing this Mearsheimer/Walt segment on the pro-Israel lobby which aired on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' this morning?:
The following includes the comments page at which I posted what was mentioned above:
Here is a tiny URL for the above one:
By: HPcensoringtruthhere on June 24, 2006 at 03:01pm
Anonymous said...
They are censoring anything on Israel because, the Zionists know the jig is up thats obvious.
Israel and the Zionists can't hide or play the blame game now that they've ruined our country, via neocon intervention.
Those losers are all the same now, just like the trolls such as returnofdrevil2, Al Rogers, Nan Ellen of the Daily "KOS" propaganda press.
Very much agree with the above.. My HPCensoringBigTime Username was just banned at Huffingtonpost.com for posting on pages 1 and 2 of the comments at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2006/06/24/excia-aide-reveals-new-d_n_23738.html about the Zionist war for Israel agenda and the Mearsheimer/Walt paper on the pro-Israel lobby segment which aired on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' program this past Friday..
Abraham Foxman (of the ADL) was hammered hard by the caller (a lady with the Brit accent calling from London) on C-SPAN's 'Washington Journal' this morning as she mentioned the USS Liberty attack/cover-up (http://www.ussliberty.org) and Paul Findley's 'There Dare to Speak Out' book and Jim Bamford's 'A Pretext for War' book as well (both the Mearsheimer/Walt and Abraham Foxman segments can be viewed online via the links at the following URL):
Here is the tiny URL for the above one:
Additional at following URLs about how MSNBC's Keith Olbermann dissed the Mearsheimer/Walt paper:
MSNBC's Olbermann Disses Mearsheimer and Walt Critique:
Welcome to the New World Order.
Apparently the corporate HO's over at Huffpost have decided to take a page from the Rovian way of doing things.
If you are not getting the response you want, then just get rid of all references to is as though YOU are right and THEY are wrong.
Just pathetic AND it's still being mentioned over there.
Very interesting indeed.
I was through with them when JP started inserting his own editorial opinions into everyone else's comments. Other poster's have to comment in their own comment space, which gets vetted by JP himself before it makes it to the page, appearing where-ever. He gets to put his comments right next to the text he's commenting on. Talk about an abuse of the editing power.
I got banned again minutes after posting the following at Huffingtonpost.com via http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2006/06/25/dem-senator-now-it-tur_n_23773.html and other blog entries there (incredible censorship still going on as mentioned prior):
JINSA/PNAC Neocon Richard Perle: Why Did Bush Blink on Iran?:
Random thoughts:
1. Documenting the folks watching you is not Paranoid.
2. JP wouldn't know unethical if it bit him on the ass. In fact, the screening of comments on HP by JP smacks of being unethical.
3. I won't go back to HP untill I hear that the little Minky's been fired. The HP tech staff is WAY outta line.
4. Speaking of paranoid, what if NEOCONs put outrageous postings on various sites just to obtain responses from which to build a data base on liberals/progressives/leftwing moonbats? Hmm?
5. I fairly well convinced it is US "they" want to track, not the terrorists.
6. At least half my fellow citizens have all the reasoning power of a Moon rock.
7. Doc Rost, what would be the finacial impact of banning Trans Fats from our food supply relative to the Pharma and Health industries. Seems to me that would put a huge hole in their profits. Corn Syrup gets all the press, but Trans Fat is pure poison.
8. Self absorbed? If you're posting, you think your opinion is important enough for others to read.
9. 90% of HP readers are entirely devoid of a sence of humour. The other 10% liked the Rost Post.
10. Good luck, and I'd say it's time to let it go. HP has lost enough credibility this past week to last them a life time.
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