Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Dr. Rost blog getting famous in Brazil

I have to come straight out and admit this: I think Brazil is a beautiful country, I have visited once, but I don't speak a word portuguese, which is too bad right now.

Because I have been very curious about all those comments about my comments in Brazilian newspapers and blogs. Here are a few of the blogs using one portuguese word everyone will recognize.

They all seem to comment about what BBC Brazil wrote about what I wrote about the YouTube shut-down in Brazil:

A censura também gerou protestos de colunistas e blogueiros em todo mundo. O empresário e escritor americano Peter Rost, que tem um blog sobre política, ironizou Cicarelli e o namorado Renato Malzoni, protagonistas do vídeo.

"No final o que esta história prova é isso: não seja pego com algas no seu calção de banho. E se for pego, tente achar um advogado para banir o YouTube em todo o País", escreve Rost, que publicou ao lado de seu artigo o polêmico vídeo.

And here's the translation:

The censorship also generated protests from columnists and bloggers around the world. The American businessman and writer Peter Rost, who writes a political blog, makes fun of Cicarelli and her boyfriend Renato Malzoni; the main characters in the video.

"In the end, what this story shows is this: Don't get caught with kelp in your pants. And if you do, try to get a lawyer to ban YouTube from an entire country," writes Rost, who has published the controversial video on his site.

I always thought that if I wrote things on this blog eventually something, let's say, a bit more profound, would be quoted by BBC, but hey, I'll take what I can get.

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