Saturday, April 14, 2007

The AstraZeneca Scandal: Major new development, on MONDAY

Stay tuned for another scary development in the AstraZeneca "Gang of Seven" whistleblower affair.

Major new development on Monday. Exclusively on Question Authority.


Anonymous said...

Why the "big surprise" on Monday? If you have worked, are currently working in Pharma or are in clinical medicine receiving these "messages", AZ's conduct is just SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). For example, Forrest reps are out promoting escitalopram for neuropathic pain and Lilly reps are out promoting duloxetine for fibromyalgia. Both "sell" against one another actively on a daily basis in contrast to their "core-conduct principles". It's endemic.

. said...

anonymous is 100% accurate imo

Anonymous said...

Just because its endemic doesnt make it right!

. said...

Of course if its endemic its NOT necessarily morally or empirically correct. In this case, we know it is neither.