Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The first book on earth . . .

Hilarious comedy . . . from Norway. You HAVE to watch this.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I hate it, though, when Danielle babbles right through a joke. Two voices is one too many.

Anonymous said...

Hey Doc,

In the midst of my own questioning of authority, I question the CDC's motives in seemingly acting to protect vaccine makers from claims of liability for high mercury levels and the potential cause of autism spiking prior to 2003 when the mercury was removed.

There's a lot of hype on both sides of the argument as to whether or not mercury caused or contributed to the autism rates, but when vaccine manufacturers were cozy enough with the Bush administration to get special protection from any and all liability (citizens now have now ability to sue for) for any injuries caused by vaccinations (part of Homeland Security law), and you and Dr. Graham have proven how cozy the drug companies are with the FDA, I just can't stop question the motives of the CDC.

With your background and knowledge of medicine, do you think that the studies linking autism and mercury are on the right track? Or do you think it's just conspiracy theories? I'd really like to hear from someone like you who doesn't have a back-room agenda they're pushing on all of us for profit and power.

Thanks for any insights you can offer.

Peter Rost said...

Response: Mercury in vaccines. I've read a lot about this.

My personal opinion? The data doesn't show this is dangerous. There is no proof of danger.

Common sense? Injecting mercury, which is a poison? Not so good.

Am I worried? I mean I got this stuff into me . . . well maybe that's the reason I turned out the way I did?