Thursday, August 02, 2007

Woman fakes it.

This one is a beauty. Woman pours olive oil on the grocery floor, then pretends to fall. All captured on video. Watch here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear England has video cameras to the yin yang now. That woman, wow, pitiful. Maybe she was desperate for her children, and she won't get too much trouble for this. Guess that's the liberal in me. Stephen Colbert, he said that reality has a liberal bias. Peace.

p.s. The only thing that can save us is fair elections. This is bull that GW and Cheney have not been impeached. We need impeachments and criminal investigations. We needed to already be out of Iraq. How long has it been since Murtha started speaking out? We need impeachments now. Pelosi was an idiot to "take it off the table" when she did. Ugh.

Fix the elections, and Kucinich, Leahy, or pinky to the side of mouth, Peter Rost would be President.