Not only did he write for the socialist Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, he also stated that pharmaceutical television commercials and newspaper ads for drugs, which blanket the U.S. media landscape, "is a bad model for Sweden." He explains his position with, "Pharmaceuticals are too important to be treated like any other product."
I couldn't agree more.
(Directions for Pfizer lawyers and PR people reading this: Please click on the image for full size, then send to translation agency, then have heart attack.)
Considering that Prager's bosses over at Pfizer Inc New York are among the biggest spenders in the world on DTC drug advertising in newspapers and on television, I figured they'd love to hear what their country manager in Sweden is writing in a left-leaning newspaper.
Something tells me Pfizer Public Relations New York didn't approve this message.
This is a company in the midst of internal chaos, and I believe it is due in large part to the fact that Kindler feels that he can't take a broom and sweep out the old nonsense for fear of disrupting the establishment and scaring the shareholders.
I think the shareholders would rejoice if Kindler culled fewer workers and took a machete to his leadership team and finally got a handle on the pharmaceutical operations and his corporate/enabling functions. That's where the majority of this nonsense begins and festers.
Äldre Pfizer överordnad döma DTC drog reklamen i tidningarna och på television! JAG nästan fälla till jord över bakåtriktade idag när JAG läsa en artikeln vid Niklas Prager , Land Direktör av Pfizer Sverige , offentliggjort på Juli 10, 2007. Inte enda bortsett frän auktoriserat inte han skriva för den socialist Svensk tidning Aftonbladet , han också uppgiven att pharmaceutical television kommersiell och tidning annonser för drogerna , vilken sängfilt den U.S. median landskap , " är et dålig lott modell för Sverige " Han förklarar hans position med Pharmaceuticals de/vi/du/ni är alltför viktig till vara behandlat lik någon annan produkt " JAG kunde samtycka mer. ( riktningen för Pfizer advokaterna och PR folk läsande den här : Behaga klick på det bild för full storlek , då sända till översättning agentur , då har hjärtan anfalla ) I betraktande av Prager's boss över på Pfizer Inc New York de/vi/du/ni är bland den bredast ge ut på jorden på DTC drog reklamen i tidningarna och på television , JAG beräknat de vill älska till höra vad deras land direktör i Sverige skriver i en lämna - lutning tidning. Något talar jag Pfizer Allmänhet Berättelserna New York gjorde icke godkänna den här meddelande.
Dr. Rost, you seem to be having a good time sticking it to your former employer. Keep it up. Don't you have a friend from Lilly, killer of my son with the drug Zyprexa, who might want to join you? Then you could take turns on the blog and have time for vacations.
hell someone can send me the lilly stuff anonymously--i'll post it. same for astra Zeneca.
I’ve seen ads on TV for Caduet. It has two ingredients. One is Amlodipine and the other is Atorvastatin. With my RxDrugCard I can get 30 tablets of Amlodipine for $9 and 30 tablets of Simvastatin for $9. I’ll bet they are charging more than $18 for this new drug! Don’t pressure your doctor into giving you something just because it’s new. Do your homework. Find a drug card like I did at I think that is the best drug card available for prescription discounts.
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