But that was an optimistic calculation.
Recently, the finance executive petitioned the Indian government in Hyderabad and received documents which showed that he was wrong - the plant was actually sold for less than 10% of the market value assessed by the government.
The executive also claimed in his e-mail that Pfizer was engaged in unfair accounting practices.
The man behind this e-mail was Mr. Ashok S. Idnani, who has spent 28 years working for Pfizer and his e-mail was the culmination of three years of struggle.
It all started in 2002, a year when Idnani's career with Pfizer would take a dramatic turn for the worse.
His formal title was Deputy Manager, Pfizer's Finance Division, and he spent his days in Mumbai, India. One fateful day he met one of Pfizer India’s senior executives in the Pfizer lobby. In a casual conversation the senior executive asked him if the Arthur Andersen people had approached Idnani, since they were working on the integration of Pfizer and Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis; a company Pfizer had acquired.
Idnani mustered the courage then and there to inform this senior executive that rumors were circulating about kick-backs from Arthur Andersen. Idnani says: “I was curious as well as wanted to inform him what colleagues were saying and to see his reaction”
He thought the executive might take this as a friendly warning, but that is not how things worked out. During the four years that followed, Idnani alleges his salary was frozen, Pfizer withheld his bonuses and many other acts of retaliation took place.
Finally, after three years of increasing concern about numerous dubious transactions that Idnani could monitor in his centrally placed position in the finance department, Idnani finally gave up on achieving change locally. On November 17, 2005 Idnani contacted Pfizer’s leadership team; Hank McKinnell, CEO, Jeff Kindler, General Counsel, Karen Katen, President Pharmaceuticals, and David Shedlarz, CFO, with his allegations. At that point he was close to desperation and his letter clearly indicates his state of mind.
Pfizer's senior management had every reason to take Idnani’s allegations seriously, both based on his long tenure with Pfizer and his central position within the company. So Jeff Kindler ordered an investigation.
We know this because on December 2, 2005 Ms. Indrani Franchini from Pfizer Corporate Compliance and Ms. Sarah Alper, Corporate Audit in New York, conducted a two hour conference call with Idnani, requesting documents supporting his allegations. Idnani also claims that Ms. Franchini assured him there would be no retaliation.
The original MOU was for Rs.137 million ($3.4 million), however, ultimately Pfizer sold the plant for Rs.122.10 million ($3.0 million). Click on thumbnail to see scanned page from Pfizer India’s Annual Report confirming this amount.
There was only one problem with this agreed upon sale price: The fair market value for the property was more than ten times higher.
Government authorities in India in 2006 requested a tax called “Stamp Duty” payable on the market value of the sale of land and buildings, from the buyer, Topnotch Infrastructure Ltd. The valuation of the property was now Rs.1801 million ($44.4 million). Click on thumbnails below to view this valuation from 2006.
And, says Idnani, even if the Indian government valuation from year 2004 is used, the assessed land value was Rs.7630/ per Sq.Yard (instead of Rs.10000/ per Sq. Yard in year 2006) which adds up to Rs.1388 million ($34.2 million).
Idnani doesn’t have any proof that anyone took kick-backs to sell the plant at a 90% discount, but he has suspicions and he voiced those concerns loud and clear to Pfizer not just once, but several times. And, perhaps his suspicions aren’t surprising when $30 to $40 million in value vanishes into thin air.
Idnani notes that Transparency International ranked India #74 on their Corruption Index in 2006, (Scandinavian countries ranked in the top, and the US ranked #23)
“It doesn't help,” says Idnani, “that Pfizer is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact or that Pfizer has its own grand in-house ethics and values – these are just decorations on their web site.”
So how did Pfizer resolve this situation?
On January 17, 2006, Pfizer dispatched a two-member team; Ms. Indrani Franchini from Pfizer Corporate Compliance, and Ms. Sarah Alper, Corporate Audit traveled to Mumbai, India, to meet with Idnani and they questioned him at length about the documents he sent to them.
Idnani claims that at this meeting it was agreed that he would be informed of the findings and actions to be taken by line management in New York. In the end, however, he was not given any information of such decisions. Instead, on March 13, 2006 Ms. Franchini sent an e-mail informing Idnani that the investigation was concluded, the matter closed and the details regarding specific steps taken or outcomes would not be provided to him.
Then, on August 28, 2006, Idnani’s employment was abruptly terminated, after 28 years with Pfizer.
Idnani is now 54 and unemployed, in spite of a science degree and a master of law degree. Recently he registered as a lawyer, a profession he resents. He is contemplating approaching what he calls the “corrupt courts in India” about Pfizer's retaliation and the undervaluation of the Hyderabad plant and the loss to Pfizer shareholders. But money is an issue; Idnani did not get rich on his Pfizer salary and he doesn’t even own a computer; he accesses his e-mails in an Internet cafe.
What is also noteworthy is that the retaliation against Idnani didn’t stop when he was fired. Pfizer India also withheld a number of payments due to Idnani after he was terminated.
In an April 30, 2007 e-mail, Ryan Trierweiler Pfizer Worldwide Pharmaceutical Operations (WPO) Japan/Asia HR, writes to Idnani, “As you can see by receipt of various checks over the past couple of weeks I have been working on your behalf to sort out any issues related to your dues. I've also been working with the India site to figure out why these dues were not paid to you sooner.”
So seven months after his termination, Idnani finally got paid. He has a suspicion about why this took so long; he stepped on some mighty big toes within Pfizer.
I asked him what could be the reason for Pfizer to fire the whistleblower and then do nothing if someone dumped corporate assets at 90% discount; that would hardly seem to be in Pfizer’s best interest.
Idnani responded that “by the time Pfizer was informed by me in November 2005 and they completed the investigation in March 2006 the transaction was nearing completion.” He also doesn’t think the Pfizer brass in New York worries too much about whistleblowers in India.
He adds, “In 2004 the company signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the purchaser, and therefore it was not easy to rescind the arrangement.”
Idnani also claims that Pfizer did, in fact, take some action: “When the next plant was sold at Chandigarh, in 2006-2007, they sent in a person, who I understand was Rick Davis from Pfizer N.Y, to personally interview all bidders and overlook the negotiation. For the first time local managers did not have full authority and control of negotiation for sale of a major manufacturing plant.”
But that doesn’t end the story about the plant sale, because Idnani didn’t give up.

And, suddenly, in March 2007, John S. Hong, Pfizer Corporate Counsel, International Investigations and Programs in Pfizer’s Legal Division/Corporate Compliance group wrote an e-mail to Idnani: “Regarding the documentation you reference related to the Hyderabad Plant allegation please forward any relevant documents to my attention. You may send them electronically, by mail or via fax, whichever is most convenient, and we will review them accordingly.”
So clearly Pfizer’s review of the sale of the Hyderabad plant isn’t completed yet.
Over the coming days I will disclose many more of Idnani’s allegations with associated documents, including how Pfizer hired detectives to follow shareholders and a former executive, and documents that show, according to Idnani, how Pfizer bribed government officials and tax authorities. But the story doesn’t stop there; he also tells a detailed tale about voodoo in the Indian finance department and a mysterious guru receiving checks from local Pfizer employees.
Idnani’s final words to me were, “The lesson I have learned - don't be smart - if seniors are defrauding the company, look away.”
PART TWO FOLLOWS TOMORROW: Pfizer's private investigators, their surveillance reports, and whom they followed.
PART THREE ON FRIDAY: Allegations of bribes to tax officials and voodoo practice in Pfizer's finance department.
Update - don't miss the other parts of this story:
1. Pfizer Finance Executive Blows the Whistle - Part One
2. Pfizer Finance Executive Blows the Whistle – Part Two
3. Pfizer Finance Executive Blows the Whistle – Part Three
4. PFIZER CFO RESIGNS after PFE finance executive blows the whistle
5. Will Pfizer CEO Mr. Kindler also resign?
Ouch!! Looks like most of the rogues were in their Indian office. However it does reflect poorly on the NY brass, in that they are not overseeing things well. Also looks like this guy was clearly retaliated against - even though he was trying to prevent waste.
Not sure how different this plant was compared to the one they sold later (with NY oversight)...but that one fetched Rs 278 crore (which I believe works out to Rs 2780 million or about 22 times the value of the Hyderabad plant at Rs 122 million) (Source: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2007/03/17/stories/2007031705450300.htm)
Though a plant could be more valuable for a lot of other reasons, the Hyderabad plant had 188 employees (http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/8699650.cms) where as the Chandigarh plant had 88 employees (http://www.blonnet.com/2004/04/27/stories/2004042702640100.htm). Yet the Hyderabad plant only sold for Rs 122 million ($3million) where as the Chandigarh one sold for Rs 2780 million($68 million)...Definitely smells like bad old Indian corruption to me.
Expat Indian in the US
No wonder every big pharma has plans to "expand" to India, China and other countries like these where corruption is a way of life. They are not interested in Scandinavian countries for it would be to hard to do their schemes that obviously cover every aspect of their business not only the marketing and selling.
Is there an end or limit to the big pharma's misconduct and is there anyone or anything that can stop them?
Dear Mr. Idnani,
My heart goes out to you and your family. I can only begin to understand how much you must have suffered. And how much your family must be suffering to see you in such pain. In my humble opinion, you did the right thing, the brave thing, and the only thing (IMO) that you could have done. You have my deepest respect. Thank you for exposing Pfizer for the unfortunately off course company that it is.
Love and Peace,
Dr. BK
PS. Thank you Peter for another very timely, important and MOVING story.
more of the same from these people.....retaliate retaliate.Kindler is the chief retaliator which has filtered down to regional managers. It makes me very angry
Also: Isn't the bribing of foreign officials, tax authorities etc by US companies a violation of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act? Hopefully this will put these guys in some legal jeopardy in a more stringent legal jurisdiction like the US rather than a corrupt legal system like India's
Indian expat in the US
Along the bigpharma companies' food chain, from the bottom to the very top to Kindler in case of pfizer, the corruption and deliberate implementation of misconduct (again the catch word for everything wrong, illegal, unethical...) is in their job description.
Believe me I have seen it and I have undesputed proof from one of the biggest - not pfizer.
I have seen them in action, I have seen them retaliate against many including myself. I have seen them cuddle together and in low voices make their evil plans and schemes.
I have seen them cuddle with corrupt doctors and in same mob-like way make deals with them to push thier drugs off label and make false claims and so on.
The thing about these (mainly) men and some (few) women is that they are perfectly honest, decent, family people who when put in charge of some level of big pharma management, turn into, you guessed it - mobsters.
They would do anything to advance thier Co's goals. Anything includes the misconduct which in every big pharma is part of their business model/approach. Once they go home to their families or girlfrends, they make a complete transformation into a perfectly normal honest person. In this state they would not hurt a fly let alone deprive someone of their living by termination for cause or no cause.
Those who can not stomach this approach for they thought everything is nice and honest in this formally known as "ethical business", get thrown out or leave very early.
If they come forward as this gent did and many more, they still get thrown out and retaliated against. In that other (real) mob you know what happens - you never leave alive, but you know what you are getting into.
Pharmalot had a post re what pharma reps think of thier jobs and how many would recommend it to their friends. Now you see why 72 % would not.
The real people are still OK. Once they enter the bigpharmaland, they can go either way.
It is in esence thier choice.
Can't wait for Parts 2 and 3!
Thanks to Dr. Peter Rost, Pharma corruption can now be exposed overnight.
This is his true purpose in life.
Peter, I salute you.
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