Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sarah Palin's pastor hunts witches. REAL witches! This is not a joke.

OK, so I know you're probably not going to belive this. Just do a Google search on "Palin pastor witch hunt" or "Thomas Muthee witch hunt."

Or watch Olberman's take on this today:

A toast to Salem, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Did you hear at about 7:03, olberman? says 'jesus christ' when she starts talking about waterboarding and drowning witches.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered the possibility that Sarah Palin IS a witch? She has never been exposed to American public and instantly she has them enchanted and what's the word when witch gets you, bewitched. Yes folks you who are bewitched are the one who care for her. I don't for I see her for what she is a dangerous demagogue and most likely a moder day witch.
Perhaps it is too late to get those bewitched back to vote for the right ticket Obama and Joe so those who are not yet, please don't look into her eyes even on TV let alone if you see her in person, mixsing her witches brew.