Monday, August 20, 2007

Sorry Edelman PR . . .

Am I the only writer who didn't swallow your story hook line and sinker?

Shame on the regular, bird-brained media. This is what they wrote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one, Peter. I especially liked your line about universal healthcare. However, having Medicare part D, for example, does not prevent underwriters from jockeying for better profits by *suggesting* brand alternatives to *discuss* with your doctor. Another thing is that, apparently, I can not get three month supplies of prescription drugs via my pharmacy, but I can get them via direct mail, where generics and brand alternatives are chosen for me. That is a good enough reason for me to trudge to the pharmacy monthly. That and the fact that in the past I have had drugs sitting in transit, and then in my mailbox too long and in high temperatures.