Anyway now one of the biggest newspapers in Utah put her on the front page and it is a fascinating story.
And of course, when Pfizer asks me in depositions how I plan on supporting myself (I have to do everything I can to "mitigate my damages"), I will, of course, point to this story, and reveal that this is exactly what I want to do too, when I grow up. That is, get so many readers to my blog that I can simply write my blog everyday, without worrying about actually working . . .
Here is how the article starts:
Utah blogger makes her life public fodder
By Matt Canham
The Salt Lake Tribune
Soaking in a warm bath with her 2-year-old daughter, Heather Armstrong asks her husband, Jon, to wash her back.
He runs the washcloth between her shoulder blades and then quickly circles around to rub her breasts.
"That's not my back," she says.
"Yes it is," he replies. "It's the part of your back called The Front."
As they banter, Jon Armstrong scoops up Leta and wraps her in a towel. He catches a glimpse of his grinning wife and warns: "You are not allowed to write about this."
Sorry, Jon. But she did. And this little item is far from the most personal Heather has shared with the online world.
From her homeHeather Armstrong is the writer behind the popular blog Dooce, where she writes about her life as the mother of her daughter Leta Armstrong, wife to husband Jon Armstrong, and her ongoing struggles with depression. The family dog Chuck makes frequent appearances in photos on the blog. (Trent Nelson/The Salt Lake Tribune)in Salt Lake City, Heather publishes quite possibly the most well read parenting blog on the planet.
Her site, Dooce.com, attracts between 800,000 and 1 million readers each month. For comparison's sake, Dooce receives about the same online traffic as The Salt Lake Tribune's site. Instead of daily coverage of the Iraq war or restaurant reviews, Heather posts a daily photo and writes an average four times a week about her life, her health and raising a child.
Continue reading here.
What a fascinating read. The woman has an obvious talent for writing and it should be encouraged as it has.
The crooked publishing company is just further proof of being careful about what you write and say. Creeps.
Great article and link.
"And of course, when Pfizer asks me in depositions how I plan on supporting myself (I have to do everything I can to "mitigate my damages"), I will, of course, point to this story, and reveal that this is exactly what I want to do too, when I grow up. That is, get so many readers to my blog that I can simply write my blog everyday, without worrying about actually working . . ."
How corporate America of you. Kind of runs counter to the whole 'whistleblower' image you like to cloak yourself in. Unless you are very particular in choosing your 'advertising for price' clientel, you (by extension) effectively associate with whatever advertiser appearing on your blog. Amazon (for example) makes contributions to both political parties. 59% of the time they give to the republican cause. The party of most popular choice (currently) when it comes corruption and currying corporate favor in K street circles and beyond. And, that's just a glimpse at the political implications. You need to think about what you stand for. How far you are welling to go to no longer shill for, or be associated with, any company that is in conflict with any concepts and concerns you may have for our form of self goverment, our laws and protections, the environment and it's protection, and our collective health.
i found this the other day when looking for dooce stuff hehehehe
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