We didn't think he would survive, so we took him inside. I wrote about this on my Huffington Post blog and received lots of responses and advice.
Most people thought it was a good idea to keep him and we did.
It turns out we have been able to feed him and he is alive and growing every day.
But it is hard work. We have to feed him ever half hour with a puree of dog food . . . and then he's happy. Actually he is most happy when we hold him in a tight little bundle in our hands.

And by the way, I don't need an alarm clock anymore. Every morning at 6:30 he wakes us up with his pleading for breakfast.
Well...if it took a Baby Bird Post at HuffPo to get ya to find your own *personal* blog-voice...GOOD FOR YOU!
Everyone deserves a voice (un-apologetically so) on what ever issues are cross your mind!
I'll check in and see how it's going! (and give you a blog-roll too!)
What a softie you are! There's a special place in my heart for people who rescue injured, abandoned or otherwise neglected animals. Keep up the good work, and please post progress pictures!
Enjoying your baby bird story.
Been there, done that, always remember it fondly.
Just wanted to tell you that if you talk - cheep, squeak, whatever seems appropriate - your little fellow will learn to recognize your voice. With my baby bird I would make an attempt to communicate by going "cheep, cheep, cheep" in a high pitched voice whenever I came to feed it (just like real bird parents do) and the little birdy would get very excited, flutter her wings and "cheep" right back at me. It was very moving.
At one point we had to go on vacation and took Birdy with us in a bird cage.
She travelled quite well and by that time had developed feathers and could flap around her cage. During the day we would take the cage out onto the deck of the cottage. The day we were leaving, much to my dismay, she suddenly flew out of the cage door when I opened it to put something in, and flapped her way up to a very high tree. I didn't know what to do. We had to go home in a couple of hours and we couldn't leave her there! She still depended on us for food and couldn't really fly all that well. I was in tears. Then I started to call her in my bird voice. "Cheep, cheep, cheep". I could see her getting excited fluttering her wings. She started chirping back and then, amazingly, she flew right back down to my shoulder. I quickly scooped her up and put her back in the cage. My friends and family stood, jaws hanging, not believing what they'd just seen.
It was one of those great moments I'll never forget.
Afterwards when she was old enough to be released I could go out into the garden and call and sure enough, in a minute or two, she would show up all excited and I'd give her a treat.
Mating activities gradually took the place of her human family, as it should be, and we believe she went on to a very happy life.
The point of this long post - talk to your kids, even the feathered ones. It pays off in the end!
Thanks again for the story!
Thank you for this. Totally cool on you. I've had to feed baby birds too and what you are doing is wonderful. Thank you for caring.
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