Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Just how stupid is the SEC? This stupid. Who do you think benefits?

Here's the amazing 19-page letter that was sent to the SEC in November 2005 explaining why Bernard Madoff was a fraud and proved that he ran a Ponzi scheme.

November 2005.

What did the SEC do?


And you're surprised AIG execs just got $160 million bonuses and there was noooooothing the Treasury could do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New world order? Nothing to fear about. It is needed and will happen. How? Who knows? Maybe with peaceful means maybe not. Look up what Gerald Celente, a modern age Nostrodomus, says about coming revolution in USA by 2012.
He predicted many things that came trough. Maybe the revolution in USA (and eleswhere for sure) is not that impossible. Perhaps a new World and American order fixed earlier may prevent the scenario Gerald C predicts. One thing for sure we can't go on like this for too much longer.