Tuesday, September 25, 2007

PLEASE help me understand . . . is this really funny?

A number of people much younger than I think so. Is it really that funny?


Anonymous said...

why, yes. yes it is.
Now get in the cave.

Benedict 16th said...

I think you have to be Gen-Y to get this, or at least born poor*.


* Not that anyone is poor*

** Well no-one worth counting anyway ***

*** Apologies to Douglas Adams, paraphrased from HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy

Anonymous said...

Well, it's pretty funny, not hilarious but but pretty funny; I suppose it was the voices and the abrupt ending. Well, it's actually more than just 'pretty funny', it's the kind of video i would recommend friends to watch, so thanks for posting it :P

Anonymous said...

I thought it was awful and not funny at all. It grated on my nerves.