Boring Blogger Fired From Huffington Post
James Joyner Monday, June 26, 2006
An otherwise uninteresting (to me) story about Peter Rost’s ouster from HuffPo after getting into a squabble with the site’s tech staff, contains this explanation from Arianna Huffington:
“It seemed like his blog was becoming about personal grudges,” Ms. Huffington said. “That would have been no problem if the posts were interesting.”
Since the second sentence completely negates the first, she should simply have said, “We fired him because he was boring.”
Thankfully, most bloggers are self-employed or a lot more would be out of work.
UPDATE: Rost has his own blog, cleverly named “Dr. Peter Rost,” on Blogspot wherein he details his version of events and a whole lot more including a photo of Arianna Huffington’s ass.
The following segment is taken from THE HUFFINGTON-ROST
Delivering news and opinion on the developing Huffington Post scandals.
The following is a list of online articles and blog posts about The Huffington Post firing Dr. Peter Rost for discovering that their technology manager was posting negative comments on his blog.
Some of my favorite quotes about The Huffington Post include: "anonymous heckler", "troll and mole controversy", "attempted to manipulate bloggers", "scandal", and the best off all, "Shenanigans".
Further down in the post, you will find links to The Huffington Post staff trying to defend itself, Peter Rost's "offending" posts, HuffPost's unethical viral marketing campaign, and HuffPost's farce of a comment policy.
A Blogger Is Bounced From The Huffington Post
The Huffington Post, the popular news and blogging Web site, again found itself the subject of commentary last week when one of its bloggers was fired after accusing a site staff member of posting negative comments on his blog entries.
Huffington Post blogger blocked
Influential website the Huffington Post tried to ban one of its bloggers after he discovered an anonymous heckler on his blog was actually the Post's technology manager.
Organ Grinder: I'll huff and I'll puff...
Love it, loathe it or ignore it (as I do), in the blogging world the Huffington Post is hot. Which is what makes the current "troll and mole" controversy, that engulfed the site and led to the Post banning its own blogger Peter Rost, such a doozy.
Shenanigans at Huffington Post
I don't know how many have followed the recent "scandal" over at Huffington Post about an invited blogger who was revoked his blogging privilege after revealing that an engineer at the site was actually a troll.
HuffPost Scandal Reveals Poor Command of Language
So it seems there’s a little scandal brewing at the Huffington Post.
The Huffington Post Controversy
The Guardian newspaper has reported on alleged suppression of Huffington Post blog writer Peter Rost after he found evidence of harassment by Post technology manager Andy Yaco-Mink.
Blogger Gets Banned For Outing Troll
Influential website the Huffington Post tried to ban one of its bloggers after he discovered an anonymous heckler on his blog was actually the Huffington Post's technology manager.
From the Dept. of "Can Dish It Out..."
The Huffington Post let go one of its contributors, Dr. Peter Rost, for complaining that a HuffPo staff member posted negative comments on Rost's blog.
Boring Blogger Fired From Huffington Post
An otherwise uninteresting (to me) story about Peter Rost’s ouster from HuffPo after getting into a squabble with the site’s tech staff, contains this explanation from Arianna Huffington:
Huffington Post Blogger Shut Down For Narcing
If we had a "tech department" (which we don't) we can imagine that we wouldn't want one of its members to post comments on how much our site sucks.
Huffy at the Huffington Post
I confess I’ve never been to The Huffington Post - I didn’t even know that Arianna Huffington was a real person until recently.
Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid
The Whistle Blows for Thee
The Left loves whistle-blowers, just so long as they blow their whistles on Republican politicians or greedy capitalists.
Arianna Huffington: Troll & Mole Scandal
Last week, Dr. Peter Rost, former vice president of Pfizer Pharmaceutical, was banned from The Huffington Post - a website that he regularly contributed to - for exposing the site’s technology manager as a clandestine troll who manipulated the site’s poll results.

Babylon Tea Party: Disillusioned Once Again
There's been all this drama going on with the Huffington Post lately (again). Basically, Pfizer whistleblower Dr. Peter Rost blew the whistle on a troll, who turned out to be a HuffPo techie employee, and got "fired" for it.
Peter Rost fired again?
After writing a post questioning the scoring of comments at his blog home the Huffington Post, in which he exposed a "troll" as being the Huff Post's technology manager, Rost was fired from writing at the Huff Po this morning.
On Pharma
Puff n’stuff: Peter Rost is off the Huffington blog, at least for now
Just learned that he's no longer blogging there, but also the details of why— a convoluted Internet whodunnit that suggests that the Huffington blog isn't all that it pretends to be.
It is interesting to note that all The Huffington Post blogs about Peter Rost support The Huffington Post's "version" of events, except for Greg Gutfled's post. All the independent articles and blogs tend to support Peter Rost, and many question the ethics of The Huffington post.
Setting the Record Straight: On Trolls, Moles, and Dis-Invited Bloggers
We disabled his password for one reason and one reason only -- his refusal to act as part of our online community.
Nuts About The Huffington Post!
This place is nuts. Not just funny nuts but wacky nuts -
The Freedom to Blog on the Huffington Post
I just think that at the end of the day, it's better to accept that editors exist at Huffpo, and they have some power.
Peter Rost's Accusations
I decided to ignore Rost's accusations because they were trivial, uninteresting to most HuffPost readers, and not accurate.
Free Andy Yaco-Mink
I can't see why Andy Yaco-Mink or any other Huffpo employee should not feel free to comment on the Huffpo blogs.
These blog posts from Peter Rost at The Huffington Post started the chain of events. Click here for a further list of Peter's posts, with an analysis of The Huffington Post's technology manager's negative comments.
A Troll* inside Huffington Post?
Hurrah! I'm Back On HuffPo!
After The Huffington Post fires Dr. Peter Rost, he continues posting on this issue at his own blog. The first Peter Rost post above, and the last one below are the most entertaining.

Huffington Post FIRED Me!

I Really Tried to Reason with HuffPo. Really.

Arianna Huffington is a Lying Liar. Here's the Proof.
The Huffington Post's comment policy states that they "only delete those comments that are abusive, off-topic, use excessive foul language, or include ad hominem attacks". From experience I have learned that this is clearly not the case. HuffPost also censors comments that are too critical of them on certain issues.
The Lonewacko Blog: Huffington Post is scared
Mike's Thoughts: Dr. Rost, Wakko-Yako and a Huffy Post
Antichrist: Is HuffPost lying about their Comment Policy?
If you want your logo, picture, or post off this page, then leave a comment. If you have more posts that I missed let me know and I will add them. I'm looking for one from the Wonkette, but have not found one yet.
And here is the star of the whole show, Andy Yaco-Mink, HuffPost's technology manager. Hey Andy, would you care to leave a comment?
With the benefit of hindsight, it seems to me they did you a favor.
And a year later I still read your blog, and I still haven't gone back to reading HuffPo, or even missed it much.
It is impossible to place comments on Huffpo, to me at least. That changes when a writer of an article I want to comment on complains to Huffpo - for a few times only. One does not see many comments any longer. The scope is changing towards more gossip, Britney without underwear and the like. It is Arianne's blog and she wants to be the star. Unfortunately, she has a few recurring idee fixes, such as Hillary Clinton. It is all local, or cut and paste from other sources. Boring!!!
More interesting than Huffpo: the new movie by Michael Moore, Sicko. See, scroll down, find Michael Moore: "I'm mainstrean now". Healthcare issues are THE ISSUE now, because it impacts people on all sorts of levels, even the ability to be employed, and associated with that, cost to society for not only healthcare, but all sorts of transfer payments. See also the July issue of Redbook. The California Nurses' Association has become the National Nurses Association and has become a member of AFL-CIO. Labor Unions are getting some interest again now, because of employment/immigrant/healthcare issues. CNA has also interesting healthcare cases. By the way, Michael Moore mentions Pfizer. Issue: pirating of movies before they come out - probable inside job.
Thanks Rosty for this post. This is how I first got interested with your writings at the HuffPost. At around the same time there was also a lot of stuff coming out about Netvocates, the Rendon Group, and other astroturfing entities.
Thanks again for this. I look forward to reading through a lot of it.
The best thing about you is your sheer honesty. Good luck with all your efforts to help make this a better world. Peace, dude!!!!
p.s. After a while we all can get better at sniffing out fakes. Whether this comes from forces trying to sell illegal wars,forces marketing overpriced and untrustworthy pharmaceuticals, or from forces trying to fill advertising space at Arianna's gatekeeper rag, we can succeed. "They" might have the power of fake numbers, but we the people have the power of the truth.
I also concur with the above blogger that there is censorship at Huffington's. And if one thinks about the very nature of that place, with how there is always a rotation on the news articles, one can start to see how much of the place is a memory hole.
Smooth move, dip-shits at HuffPo!
Arianna and her staff must be the biggest dumb-asses ever.
The only reason I ever read their innane crap in the first place was to read what you were posting.
When you left, I left, and so did countless others, I'm sure!
So, HuffPo, how many congressional or federal investigations have your "hard hitting investigative reports" triggered. Oh, that's right, you're too busy yacking about Britney's underwear and the father of Anna Nicole's baby to be worth a shit to the rest of us.
You're the one who rocks our world, Doc-- and the world of the drug companies too! HuffPo couldn't be any more irrelevant than it was the day after you left. Good riddance to them!
As much as Arianna complains about the MSM, her brand of "journalism" amounts to about the same thing...celebrities with opinions and no expertise.
It's like the mafia has a 'red" side (the Republicans) and a "blue" side (the Democrats). She's on the "blue" side of the noise machine.
Otherwise, it's the same stuff.
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