Friday, February 02, 2007

Pfizer's tu vida sexual: Sex and women in bikini.

John Mack is at it again. He's started another blog, The PharmaBlogosphere, in addition to his Pharma Marketing Blog.

Of course, when PharmaGossip and Question Authority with Dr. Peter Rost are mentioned under the titillating headline Pharma Gossip and Porn Too, I too, take notice. Go there and read what he has to say about the blog world!

He also posts this highly unusual video, a bikini contest sponsored by . . . Pfizer under the headline "Tu vida sexual" which translates into "Your sex life", a video which was first found on PharmaGossip.

Oh boy. Those corporate executives sure are having a lot of fun at Pfizer!

But how about being a tiny weenie bit more tasteful? Seriously!

I guess Pfizer didn't count on YouTube to show just how they market their products.

1 comment:

Argon said...

It's the dawning of a new age of exposing all secrets when anyone with a camera phone can can capture anything and upload it directly from there to YouTube for global distribution right from the scene.

It has a lot of wide ranging implications that those who have things they want to keep quiet should consider.

Speaking of exposure *wink* what was the prize in that bikini contest? The 1st shot a Viagra user? I noticed the Pfizer logo all over those signs, but I was confused by the rest.

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