
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This Week Will be Crazy . . .

. . . because I'm preparing for that Party on Sunday. Right here, on this blog. Read more about who is coming and what this is about in my prior posts.

And if you're coming, tell me and send a photo. Invite all your friends. This will be the first ever Global Blog Party.

Theme will be, "Making the Impossible Possible."

One of the most amazing magicians on the net will participate. He will literally blow you away.


  1. Anonymous9/05/2006

    Will there be an itinerary?

    I won't be able to 'attend' the entire event but I would hate to miss the 'big news' or the magician...

    Admitedly an intinerary is very 'unparty-like'!

  2. Me too about the itinerary. I ended up having to schedule a shoot on Sunday, so I will most likely arrive fashionably late to the party.

    But I always did like to make a dramatic entrance…

  3. Dont't worry, basically, 11 EST the web party goes live. Then it is all there for the next 24 hours. I'm opening my "blog house" with several rooms. Everyone can participate in chat, as always. Things may get more rowdy later at night . . .


  4. PS. You just gotta love a party where you can wear both your jammies AND a mask!

  5. Anonymous9/05/2006

    You know I will tune in.

    You already have my pic.


  6. Mrs Friday has already bought new shoes!

  7. lol@ Shooter...let it to you...

  8. Amy? I do? Eeeeeh not sure . . . can you send it again??

