
Monday, September 04, 2006

About the Party.

I figured, since we're going to have this party on Sunday, it makes sense for me to introduce myself. We are getting many new guests who may not have been around in the past. So, if you want to know who you are visiting you may want to take a look at these posts.

Also, at this party I'm going to deliver the biggest surprise, since I did this:

I know most of you are used to go to parties in the evenining, but this is a global blog party with attendees from LA to New York, and the UK and Sweden. So the party starts (local time) at 8 AM in Los Angeles, 11 AM in New York, 4 PM in London and 5PM (17:00) in Stockholm. And don't worry if you can't make that time. Like any good party, this one will just get better the later it gets!


  1. Just a tip to all bloggers:

    If you want me to introduce yourself and your blog, you can just email me the code, and I'll insert it right in a post at the party or do a preannouncement that you're coming!

  2. I'm wondering if the suprise isn't a rollout for announcing the RostPost?

    I thought it was funny in that interview about importing drugs from Canada how they tried to make the claims about safety by linking the web page sites with them.

    Wouldn't there be a lot more guidelines and quality control of drugs coming from Canada than just someone that does the spam from those web sites? Aren't they 2 totally different things? So why lump them both together?

    Probably just because they don't want the competition to interfere with their profits so they use distortions to twist the facts.

    Do the small fry blogs count for the introductions? You might already know my blog but I can give you the link again. I've been trying to work some deals to get more exposure on YouTube lately and with a site called CurrentTV.

    Argon's Awareness

  3. Anonymous9/04/2006

    Yo! Dude! When you indicate that folks will be coming from 'LA to NY to...," don't forget San Francisco!

    A local saying here: 'I'm stoked!'
