
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President Obama to the Peter Rost blog: All of this happened because of you.

Because of me, President Obama!!???

I'm so flattered!

After all, I'm just running a humble blog. But yes, anyone who Googles for images of Sarah Palin now gets to my blog right away.


  1. Anonymous11/06/2008

    But you are really doing a great job. Many of us i Sweden are greatful to you too.

  2. Anonymous11/07/2008

    Doc, I got news for you. Millions who helped in this most noble of causes, got the same e-mail, with their names to make it personalized. Computers, the 8th wonder of the World. Nevertheless, thanks doc.

  3. Sheeeeeeesh! And I thought I was the only one!!!

