
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Paris Hilton responds to McCain attack ad

McCain has changed strategy, trying to mock Obama for being a "celebrity" and using Paris Hilton in his attack ad:

Here's how Paris Hilton responds:

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

If link doesn't work try clicking here. You really shouldn't miss this one . . .

This campaign will be fun!


  1. Anonymous8/06/2008

    No one is convinced that you wrote that script yourself, Paris. Your other, X-rated video seems to be about all you seem qualified to do (let alone talk about). Give it up bimbo!

  2. Anonymous8/06/2008

    All right, so she did not write it. Does McCain write his own stuff? Not very likely. Also Paris delivered hers (by reading the lines) with absolute perfection and charm, let alone sexyness. What about poor old, stike that, ancient McCain? He can't even read his lines without making mistakes every 5th word.
    It is hard to believe that he had the nerve to run and got elected by republicans. Guess everyting is possible in the good old US of A.
    I say this though, Give it up 2 x grandpops.
