
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Quote of the week.

How do you decided how many people to fire, how many dollars to cut if you are the CEO of a company with 50,000 employees?

On Wednesday morning, Hassan arrived at the Kenilworth headquarters.

"I went into my office, I closed the door and I actually scratched out simply how I would see it," Hassan said of the cost-cutting plan. "I shared that with my CFO and other key members of management."

Source: Star Ledger.

Result: 5,000 employees to be fired, $1 billion cut in addition to $0.5 billion already announced related to Organon deal.

Nice round numbers. Not too much science to it.

Makes you think, it isn't really that hard to make those hard decisions . . .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/06/2008

    Remember this cartoon strip?

    You said it yourself - selling the jets would probably do it...
