
Thursday, February 21, 2008

God's law: Really?

Dr. Rost is a pharma litigation consultant and pharmaceutical marketing expert. He is also the author of Killer Drug and The Whistleblower.


  1. Anonymous2/22/2008

    Kolla in filmen Zeitgeist... Mycket intressant...

    Ge den 30 minuter...

    MVH/Hel Vete Bröd

  2. Anonymous2/24/2008

    Can I take the opportunity of upsetting a record maximum number of people all in one go by posting this one?

    The God Delusion: Professor Richard Dawkins

  3. I thought we'd have more comments on this one . . .

  4. Anonymous2/25/2008

    I think you should have had more. But... religion is kinda SCARY and hey even more frightening if you just watched Sky News and Hilary Clinton :-| Zeitgeist in action. Pass the bucket... quick. I'm gonna be sick!

  5. Anonymous2/25/2008

    Uh oh, isn't that pastor in the God Delusion video the same one that also had a hotline with Bush and the same one that got sussed by man (maybe guided by God) about some sexual sinning ? Please hurry up with that bucket :)

    There's something really spooky about religion - but if its good enough for Bush and good enough for Ms Clinton too, who am I to complain...

  6. Anonymous2/25/2008

    Thank GOD that Richard Dawkins visited Lourdes before I did.

    I hate that kind of money wasting holiday. Paris Disneyworld...HERE I COME :)
