
Friday, August 03, 2007

The commercial Swedish IKEA banned.

IKEA is a Swedish furniture company with big box stores around the world.

The commercial below was created by German IKEA, to poke fun at the Swedes and their Midsummer tradition. The Swedish management was not amused.

I have to admit, the Germans reeeeeaaaly seem to have enjoyed making this commercial.

No word if it was just the commercial which was replaced or if the entire German IKEA management was shown the door.

Oh boy.


  1. Anonymous8/03/2007

    Why, they did not like it? It is true to life, though. I recently visited a family member and we had a nice little dinner, just like that, and afterwards we came almost to blows too! Now I know where that came from. It is my Nordic ancestry (of which there is just a little). Unfortunately, the panty raid part was not part of the fun. And that would have been so nice.

  2. Anonymous8/05/2007

    A swedish ad-agency (King Stockholm?) made it for IKEA to be shown in german TV. It features Robert Gustafsson, a well known actor and comedian in Sweden.
