
Monday, August 27, 2007

The Blog Stalker

I thought it was over . . . but no, John Mack just did another post about . . . me.

So, here is a graphic representation of how many posts John Mack has written about "Peter Rost" and my blogging on his blog the Pharma BlogoSphere, during the month of August, compared to the number of posts he managed to write without mentioning my name.

One picture says more than . . . well you know,

Clearly, if it wasn't for me, John Mack wouldn't have anything to write about.

Of course, there is a word for John's arbitrary ranking of my posts (pharma, self promotion, and fluff) in his self-proclaimed role as Blogging Judge, and incessant fixation on anything I do: John has become the BLOG STALKER.

This is not a healthy thing, and I've decided to try to help John. So I'll stop blogging for a couple of days. If John experiences withdrawal symtoms, I strongly recommend medical treatment.

And John, I've got a big, mean dog guarding my house.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/27/2007

    send 'im to Pfizer - I'm sure they have something against blog stalking withdrawal syndrome (B.S.W.S)...
