
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"The Sludge Report: More Mewlings From Peter Rost"

I love DrugWonks, seriously I do. Today they wrote this:

The Sludge Report: More Mewlings From Peter Rost

Robert Goldberg

Lest anyone be uncertain that Peter Rost is not a small-minded person who blogs without regard to the totality of the facts, here is the context of Rost's gleeful pursuit of Pfizer's renewed effort to market Viracept, an "old drug" as the consistently vindictive and inaccurate Rost calls the HIV medicine.

Story continues here.

Oh, and by the way, apparently the working name for this story, based on the link, was actually The Smallminded Peter Rost and his band of Munchkins (I'm really sorry they didn't use that title, because it is pretty funny):

Here's the part about the story above which is even more funny; the fact that Robert gives me credit for the story:

I didn't write it.

Ed Silverman did. I just reproduced what he'd written. But I guess it isn't as much fun for Big Pharma to bang on Ed as it is to kick my head.


  1. Anonymous6/27/2007

    These wankers are totally clueless I know a little bit about Viracept having sold it legally and illegally for 8 years...these guys ought to get a clue. I read the story and I just said what idiots read something will ya...

  2. Anonymous6/28/2007

