
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Amazing mail

I have been receiving som amazing mail this week.

Some sent directly to me, some sent via my lawyers: Peter Rost c/o Green, Savits & Lenzo, Suite 350, 35 Airport Road, Morristown, NJ 07960.

Over the coming days I will share photos and stories from those letters and big packages . . .

So if you wonder, yes I did get your mail, I just want to savor these things and check a few facts before writing!


  1. Well Dr. Peter Rost,

    Well there are 119 users in last three minutes get prepare for more are a wonderful man.....

    Self Help Zone

  2. Anonymous6/22/2007

    I don't have a clue about all this big pharma stuff, but even I can tell that it is a big scam. America has been overrun by fat cats who care more about their wallets than fellow human beings.

    I am a lefty peacenik, not exactly a Dr. Rost syncophant, but you gotta respect anyone who questions authority.

    Rost and others are into making this a better world. I like Rosie O'Donnell too, but it makes me wonder how she can even consider doing a vapid game show {The Price is Right-how fitting a title} over hosting a Phil Donahue type news program.

    Please don't sell out ever, Dr. Rost. None of us live forever. We might as well try to save the planet. Many of us would love the power to try to change things. History is calling on each of us to do our part. Peace.
