
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Mother of all Job Search Videos . . . Not.

NY Times first mentioned this story. This is a guy who sent a video of himself as he was trying to get a job on Wall Street. I guess too much promotion may be a bad thing . . . the video is now on You Tube, after having bounced all over every major firm in New York.


  1. Anonymous10/25/2006

    I agree... enough of the recycled gossip that has been floating around the web for weeks (or in the case of Mr. Sherman, months or years). The readers that count would be much more interested in reading about your serious opinions on issues like re-importation, safety, sex-and-detailing, management, and profits!

  2. Anonymous10/25/2006

    Y'know how most radio stations are formatted identically in each major market and you can just hear the exact same email joke echoing 'round the country at 8:38am. The same email you got a long time ago and wasn't terribly entertaining to begin with.

    I hate that.

  3. *wink* Then who gets to be Sleazy for putting all the scantily clad people on here since he's already Doc? *wicked grin*

    I personally like a variety of fluff to lighten up the serious stuff too. So I guess that would make me Happy eh?

    Speaking of serious stuff I saw this on YouTube and I thought it made a good point about both Drug and Political ads

  4. Please continue the balanced diet of serious and fluff. If you only do serious, we'll be forced to get silly in the comments area.

    We've got a loaded sense of humor, and we're not afraid to use it!
