
Friday, October 06, 2006

Filing a lawsuit against Pfizer?

Here's a tip from an anonymous Pfizer employee, to all the lawyers reading my blog, written in reference to my post Former Pfizer Employee Testifies about Document Destruction.

Anonymous said...
Is there any wonder why Pfizer no longer allows reps to record their interactions with physicians on the computers? Now they have reps choose a multiple choice answer on the computer to document their conversations with physicians. Of course the documentation does not adequately describe the interactions. The notes are so useless that the managers are directing reps to keep personal written documents regarding physician/office interaction. Make sure the lawyers subpoena all of those binders too!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/06/2006

    Don't think that Pfizer is the only one doing this. Lilly has their "structured call notes" (Don Watson of "Death Sentences" would absolutely love THAT term...) and a little subpeona action would most likely be devastating to certain neuroscience representatives.
