
Friday, September 08, 2006


Here are a collection of comments from journalists and other readers who got an early preview of The Whistleblower:

"I loved it. I thought it was compelling, shocking, funny, and important. I didn't know the details of some of this stuff so a lot of it was new to me, and I found it an extremely interesting (not to mention scary) read. It read more like a detective novel than a personal memoir."

"Congratulations: It’s totally riveting! I was amazed by Pharmacia’s treatment of employees at the time of the merger (no references???!!) and fascinated to see how often Pfizer shot themselves in the feet in their efforts to discredit you."

"Great job! I read every word with great interest. You are a master at detail and exposing the truth in a very provocative manner."

"I started it last night and will finish tonight (can't put it down)."

"I read it in four hours straight on an airplane, that should tell you something."

"When is the movie coming?"

"I couldn't put it down, this is going to create a lot of buzz."

"I don't think I've ever seen anything like this; we get so many books sent to us, but never before something this revealing."

"I have finished the book. I have sooooo many pages highlighted on issues that affect my clients."

"AAH--those choice moments of celebrity...savor them, you've earned it."

"Well are a very good writer, using conversational tones..."

"I loved the opening of the book and of course for those of us that fought this fight for years, I feel very proud of you."

"I also can't put it down because it's so openly honest and although I agree with your wife's opening statements to you and certainly understand her fears. You're going to gain more than friends with this book...your self-respect and the knowledge that you did the right thing and by the way the money and fame won't hurt at all. You can smile all the way to the bank."

"I see a movie here."

"I agree with your conclusion about the second American revolution...I don't believe it will be guns and rebellion but a force like a prairie fire sweeping the plains."

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