
Friday, September 08, 2006



  1. Oh wow...the half lighting, suggesting a light and dark side to the inimitable Dr. Rost! Then the Godfather music in the background. And yet, the strong horizontal line motif of the shutters in the background suggesting stability and consistency in the course of winds and storms that may blow. Brilliant piece of art, this! Perhaps you should take up filmmaking, not writing - at least as long as you can have windbag critics like me view the films! :o)

  2. Anonymous9/10/2006

    Peter, if you truly think no drug Co will want to hire you again, stop flooding big pharma co's HR departments with your CV -
    Especially as you're already keeping Crisis Management and Legal Teams very busy!

  3. Thanks so much for your link from your blog, Anne Lolotte! And yeah, that is some relevant advice, howevere, I wasn't quite sure what I said that made you feel that I flood them with my CV . . . ?

  4. Anonymous9/11/2006

    Hi again Peter!
    Nice to hear your voice, even nicer to hear that you haven´t lost your roots! Luv the accent it reminds me of several famous swedish actors on the american great white screen! As I have been editing a lot of executives when they absolutly have to apear in a corporate film I could advise you to......No I´m just joking.
    Nice party I´ll better have a drink
