
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Swedish Party Guests

I just got an e-mail from a number of girls in Sweden, telling me they WILL show up for the first Global Blog Party ever, on Sunday September 10, 11AM New York time and 5 P.M Stockholm. And they have invited ALL their friends.

I know, I know, some of you may ask why I moved to the U.S. That was simple; I took a gorgeous blonde Swedish girl with me.

The next question I may get is why are there mostly girls coming? I have no idea. I put in the photos you send me, and maybe the guys are shy or something. Can we get some manly pictures or am I going to have to make some up?

So here we go with a few more introductions:

Victoria started this whole thing on her blog I've got something for you, and wrote about my blog, so this is all her fault. She has invited her friends, below.

All but one of her friends are getting the International Baccalaureate at the most charming school you could imagine, but I take not all of them appreciate the view.

Victoria was trying to find out about information for med students, since that is what she wants to do and she ended up here and got hooked.

Anna writes a blog called You remind me of a - of a rose, an absolute rose.
Don't miss her pictures of herself as superman, I mean superwoman!

Jasmin writes the blog The Art of Noise, and most recently wrote the following about this story:

"Vicks is on some kind of e-link with this superdoc who posted our photo on his blog not long ago. Although I am completely a-naturalscientific, I still think it's AWESOME! And I'm very proud. In fact, he's so cool he's even throwing a Blog Party. That's right, a party right on the blog, no idea how that works but it is said to be the first ever of its kind, and I would never ever miss a premiere (even less when it involves the word 'party'!) I'm hoping for some nice minglin and serious webscandals! Lots of interesting people seem to be showing up, and Vicky's told to inform her friends about it... And since we're practically sisters, I figured my friends are her friends, so YOU'RE ALL INVITED!"

Erika doesn't have a blog. Yet. But as most of her friends are bloggin that's probably just a matter of time. Or, maybe she is studying and will make more money than anyone else. I know I would make more money if I was working instead of blogging.

Maria1 has a blog called MITT DNA SKA GÅ RUNT VÄRLDEN. I'm not sure if I should translate that, but what the heck. "MY DNA SHALL TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD."

So I gues that means whomever she marries will have thirteen babies. But considering that most Swedish women don't marry and they all work, I take that title very tongue-in-cheek.

Or has that changed?

Maybe it was too long since I lived there.

Then we have Maria2. She has a blog called MY WORLD. With the subhead, "Of course the world is mine. Whom else would it belong to?"

I like her attitude.


Finally we have Matilda. She blogs on . . . Nope, she doesn't. But she is coming. And we are delighted to have her!

And, she already started the party.


  1. I love this post! haha, men! fel maria på fel presentation. annars.. underbart!
    Mvh Vicks

  2. Precis som alla andra människor vi råkar träffa på har du lyckats blanda ihop maria1 och 2 (ja vi är medvetna om att det är väldigt förvirrande, en av oss borde döpa om sig, haha =))

  3. That's funny you said "The next question I may get is why are there mostly girls coming? I have no idea" I thought that was already established when you post that video of the interview you did on Fox? You still have no idea when daria posted this comment? Daria said...
    I'll come to the party!

    Everyone else, hands off.

    He's mine, all mine.

    Maybe you discounted it because you didn't believe it.

  4. Ohh, sh-t. I mixed the Maria's?

    OK I have now unmixed them!

    And as for Daria . . . um. I'm flattered.


  5. jag förstår inte :(

    I've always wanted to learn a Scandinavian language. I went to Norway for a weekend once and learnt so much of the language before I went that I was able to convince some Norwegians that I was actualy a local, but putting on a funny accent (I was also wearing my kilt which confused them)!

    I think I might have viking blood!

    See you all on Sunday! :D

  6. Did vikings wear kilts?

  7. Yes Moo...... and they painted flowers on their bicycles......or their oars

  8. No no no, Shooter, you're confusing vikings with hippies.

  9. 06 september 2006
    posted by anna

    locked my bike to yours
    It wasn't hard to find, "YOU PAINTED FLOWERS" on

  10. I'm so totally lost now. Vikings wearing kilts, paddling their bicycles with flower-painted oars...

    Someone's been into the jockstrap fish again, hasn't he...
