
Monday, September 18, 2006

Pfizer Goes to Court to Stop ‘The Whistleblower — Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman’

Court Transcript, exchange between Ronald Green, Epstein, Becker & Green and the Court.

Court Transcript

The following press release was sent out today. Click on headline to read release and associated documents.

Pfizer Goes to Court to Stop ‘The Whistleblower — Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman’

Pfizer has asked the US District Court, NY, to advise on relief and for sanctions against Dr. Rost for writing "The Whistleblower," per recently released court records, case no. 05-CV-10384. (Court transcript below.)

In a separate legal communiqué, Pfizer’s lawyer writes, "Be advised that we are in the process of evaluating the extent to which this book likewise violates the Protective Order." Pfizer has also requested "Confidential" designation of virtually all documents used to write "The Whistleblower."

"Pfizer’s attempt to stop ‘The Whistleblower’ and deny the public the right to view associated documents may not be surprising considering the explosive content and Pfizer’s infamous history as the only drug company forced by the government to sign not just one, but two separate Corporate Integrity Agreements," said Dr. Rost.

The New York Post wrote the following review, "A drug company executive is about to blow the lid off the pharmaceutical industry . . . revealing everything from sex in the corner office to private investigators spying on employees, company phone surveillance, FBI investigations and financial shenanigans resulting in million-dollar payouts."

And L Magazine stated, "In this Enron-esque exposé of the healthcare industry, an . . . executive reveals everything you should already be assuming about most multinational corporations. You know, greed, spying, million-dollar payouts, and sex in the corner office."

Medical Marketing & Media, a drug industry publication, concluded that "The Whistleblower" is "a scathing account of the allegedly 'insidious' practices of the industry that once paid (Dr. Rost’s) salary and of the US healthcare system. The media is sure to lap it up."

Soft Skull Press sold the entire first printing during the first day of sale, September 10, 2006.

For more information on "The Whistleblower," sample pages, news, reviews, and the "Whistleblower Video," go to:

Dr. Peter Rost daily blog:

Contact: Kristin Pulkkinen, Publicity Director, Soft Skull Press, (718) 643-1599


  1. DR R. I just read the attached transcript from the court, in which the Pfizer lawyer seems to make a fool of himself.
    Good continued luck, and If you re-do this, move that snapshot to the TOP left of the screen, so its more prominent in the entry...


    (the eclectic's blog)

    PS: heard you on WNYC interview

  2. Thank you.

    Done! Transcript moved to top of post!

  3. Anonymous9/19/2006

    If this letter is any indication of the flavor of things to come in your suite, I think you'll win big-time!

  4. Anonymous9/19/2006

    Having witnessed what transpired around Bruce Psaty's questioning of Pfizer's medical data and now questioning of corporate "data" by yourself, all I can say keep going. My view of the corporate people you've encountered is that they are nothing more than cancer...

  5. Anonymous9/19/2006

    Peter, to be fair, Pfizer does have a lot of lawyers to buy your book for and could have prompted the sell out - you should send them a 'thanks for your patronage' card. They even admitted it is 'in review'! (can't wait to hear their blurb - oh wait, I already did on Amazon).

    Now THAT is clever marketing - force your adversary to buy your product.
