
Friday, September 08, 2006

The MAGIC ROOM - Guest star Criss Angel

The theme of this party is to "Make the Impossible Possible."

For me, that means to simply survive, and perhaps support myself as an author.

Here are some amazing tricks:


Criss Angel: Shadow tricks

Magic trick gone wrong

Criss Angel: Butterfly trick

Criss Angel: Coin in an arm

Criss Angel: Impaled

David Blaine: Levitation

Comic Magic


  1. Anonymous9/10/2006

    Best tricks I've seen in long, long time! Good work Peter.

  2. Ok, it’s official. I don’t like magic no matter what time of the day it is. It just freaks me out.

    Most of the time you know it’s a trick or a slight of hand and that’s cool. But THESE guys…

    I’ve always thought David Blaine was possessed. I’m not familiar with Criss Angel, but after watching these videos, I’m pretty sure he’s possessed too. Cute, but totally possessed!
