
Saturday, September 02, 2006


There is a new phenomenon on the Internet.

Her name is Bree. And her Internet signature is Lonelygirl15.

She has about 10,000 subscribed fans who seemingly adore her every grimace and roll of the eye.

This lady is the newest on video-sharing phenom's A-list of home-made, pajama celebrities.

She says she's a home-schooled high schooler confined to her castle by strict parents. Covered with a pink boa, playing with a purple monkey and making fun of Daniel, Bree's intriguing video posts have received as many as 500,000 page views on one short film.

And the newspapers are buzzing with the most important question:

Is she real or not?

Is the whole thing mostly shot in a studio?

After all, she bakes cookies on the floor in her bedroom.

Here is one of the more talked about episodes. Shot outside.

The final question is: Is Daniel in love with her?


  1. Oh Doc, you know I love you, but I’m tempted to tell you to pull your brain out of your pants.

    I don’t know who this girl is, I watched a few of her videos, and my take on her is that she’s not as young and "dumb" as she’d have you believe. He videos are pretty high-tech for some foolish, newbie schoolgirl, complete with special effects and music. This is not the technology of some child (if she is indeed 16 she is a CHILD) who just got a web cam. And she actually used the word "panache" correctly in one of her responses to a comment.

    Either way, just wondering why this is blog-worthy? Just curious as to why this caught your attention?

    I think bashibazook summed it up the best:

    "just what youtube needs, another little girly acting like a board virgin."

    PS. I also checked out your link to the LA Times about this story. I can’t believe so many are wasting their time on such a non-story. Sad, I use to consider the LA Times a legitimate news source...

  2. And we ask "why do they hate us?" I need to find a Taliban recruiting station....quick.

  3. Anonymous9/03/2006

    Mooooooooooogirl . . . are you getting jealous?

  4. Anonymous9/03/2006

    I'm a male reader. I think this was appropriate. And very newsworthy.


  5. No need to worry Moogirl. I spent the beginning of my career not only working with pretty models, but also as chairman of a model group. And I happened to marry one of them. So I'm safe. Come to think of it, that's a story I haven't told you guys about. The model group. Maybe I should. Before the Party.

  6. As I've said before, Doc. It's your blog and you should put out anything you want. But it's our blog too, and it's our right to zing you anytime we want. Keep it up. (that's for you you, anon) And as for Moo? Jealous? When she's got me?....Get real!

  7. Anonymous9/03/2006

    Here is a news story which has been in BusinessWeek, LA Times, Time Magazine but it is too "hot" for some readers on this blog. Says more about the readers than about Dr. Rost.

  8. Three times in LA Times!!

    That's how important they felt the story was.

  9. Anonymous9/03/2006

    Dr. Rost. Don't stop. You are getting better and better and more and more fun to read. My friends thought I was crazy coming here all the time. Now they're hooked too.

  10. That’s right! How could I possibly be jealous when the incredibly hot Shooter-babe has my back at all times?

    And ok, Doc, I’ll let you off the hook as to how you happened upon this story, as it seems some news outlets (that I use to respect) have killed a tree in order to print stories about this. But that still doesn’t answer my initial question as to why this is news???

    What I DO think is a riot though, is how obviously gullible and starved for entertainment mainstream America is. A young coquette gets a web cam, America is riveted, film at 11...

    When she turns out to be a 30 year old "pro", you know I’m going to be forced to point and laugh...

  11. I don't understand why they would say that it had to be professionally done, I didn't see anything in theose video's I couldn't do myself with a fairly standard video camera and basic editing software like Movie Maker.

    If it was a viral marketing campaign then what were they selling? I didn't see anything other than the usual stuff anyone would have around.

    She may be more popular than others on YouTube, but certainly not the only one that does the same thing known as Video Blogging. I also found one called LucyInLa, while she admits to being an aspiring actress and doing this for practice might help her career it doesn't make it less real as a record of her journey to get the break she needs

    >YouTube - LUCYinLA / I got a Call Back

    I had thought about doing a similar thing to go along with my autobiography called "Seeking Resonance" but it takes a lot of effort to do it right and not just in the home movie style.

    An Angel's Destiny

    Argon's Awareness

  12. And I thought "pet rocks" were the low point of our society, but, you know, like, ummm I was wrong, like totally, mmmm, giggle, slurp, mmmm, like, well, you know what I mean?

    Yesseree, my esteem for Paris Hilton has just gone up, like, mmmm. you know?

  13. lmao yer killin' me Shooter.....fer sure!

  14. Maybe people thought films like "Valley Girls" and "Clueless" were kidding but I've lived in California most of my life and people really do talk like that.

    I espeically liked the commentary that Milla Jovovich did on the DVD of Ultraviolet and I counted her saying "like" 18 times in only the 1st 3 minutes. I always thought it was cute myself but it can get annoying.

    I was watching some more of those LucyInLA videos and she had a great idea about writers sending her stories for her to act out in her vlogs and it sounded like a cool way to collaborate. I wrote some more about it in my blog also

  15. Anonymous9/11/2006

    Aw shucks, It's only an art project.

