
Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Readers of This Blog Will Rock Ya!

After the digging, the detective work, and the passion I've seen among the readers of this blog during the past week I only have one comment. Here it is.


  1. Anonymous6/29/2006

    If you can't beat them, join them.

    "YouTube, don't you?" was a story on NBC Nightly News last night. You can catch the clip, and stream it off their website.

    RIP Freddie, who'd of ever thought you'd be spamming the global (posthumously), back in the day.

  2. Anonymous6/29/2006

    Great! Thanks.....I needed that.

  3. Anonymous6/29/2006

    That is freaking GREAT.

    I'm more than a little impressed you put this up.


  4. Anonymous6/29/2006

    You need to get cracking. The huffpo seems to be injured. It seems likes its a real slow posting day for them. Hopefull after this weekend, their traffic tanks.

  5. Anonymous6/29/2006

    I dunno if anyone would be interested in this. I'm not spamming..., I actually found this through another website. If you guys are looking for an alternative blog/forum and are serious about boycotting The Huffington Post, like I am, you might consider The Progressive Independent. They are left of center. They don't accept paid advertising, which makes them all the much better.

    It's not a pretty design-wise as HuffPo, but I think it's still pretty cool.

  6. Anonymous6/29/2006

    And, p.s. I think they're also tougher - moderation-wise on the site.

  7. Anonymous6/29/2006

    Their big ticket item for today is the front page link to the AOL article regarding the Supreme Court vs Bush. 463 comments? Damn. That's a lot of traffic stolen from someone else's work. Maybe you need to start posting links to other people's works so we can comment on them on your site - especially news sources since they all don't have comment sections.

  8. Anonymous6/29/2006

    The ONLY MSM journalist I respect is Paul Krugman. Technically, he's not really a jornalist, he's the op-ed guy for Economics at the NYT but he was the first one who spoke out against this administration and he was the only one with a record spotless enough that any slime attempts were unsuccessful. He actually mentioned this when asked why no other journalists were speaking out. This guy is a true American hero. He has a huge fanbase (we are called Krugmaniacs) and even a bunch of fan sites. I remember for many, many months, he was the SOLE voice of opposition in the MSM. He is a true patriot. I would vote him for President in a heartbeat:

    Here's an unofficial archive where you can find his excellent NYT columns (for free!):

    Here's a video they have at Democracy Now where he talks about the Class War in America:

  9. Anonymous6/29/2006

    Shit. Nevermind. I guess they got sued by the Times. It used to be free.

  10. Anonymous6/29/2006

    Ah. I see. They post the article in the comments section.

  11. Anonymous6/29/2006

    Old video of Krugman on the Daily Show:

  12. Anonymous6/30/2006

    Peter, I liked your intentions, but I thought this was a little childish. It's like you were pandering to your younger readers. I linked this blog to a scientist friend of mine prior to you posting the video, and the first thing he wrote back was "I think this is the wrong link. Why is there a Queen video playing? If this was what you sent me, the guy is not very professional."

  13. To Anonymous-

    It's a BLOG you goof! Not only do I value the Dr's opinion on the pharmaceutical industry, I find his "non- speciality" posts as entertaining as his pharmaceutical posts are informative. This is NOT journalism, it's a public diary. If the man wants to thank his supporters with a Freddy Mercury clip, then GOOD ON HIM.

    Anon, y'old skick in the butt, ease up!

  14. Anonymous6/30/2006

    Yeah, well I agree with Anon, it wasn't very professional. If he cared AT ALL, he would've played "Another One Bites the Dust." Good finger snapp'n music to get those digits warmed up for typing.
